Safaricom Unlimited data bundle speed at 256kbps..not baaad but..

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You remember Safaricom launched new data rates recently and we had small problem with unlimted bundle speed at 128kbps. Ok, now that has been increased to 256 Kbps. Give it up to  Mr.Bob Collymore, Safaricom MD is not just on Social media for the sake of it, he does some real engagement.

It is not just because he listened, but how fast he has acted  is impressive.  Kudos Bob.  Ok…end of praises and back to the reality! How fast is 256Kbps connection?  256 kbps is 32 kilobytes per second raw speed.. Realistically, it is more like 25 – 28 kbps. For normal browsing 256Kbps is ok, very much ok but anything more added on and it starts  be more like a snail.

Basically the speed is enough to get a 1 meg file in about 35 seconds. A 100 Megabyte file will take more like 1 hour to download. I must apologize to the snail species because that is not as bad as them!

How about gaming? You can game on 256k just fine, just ensure that you don’t share it with anybody else around. Plus you can move next to the server of where the game you playing is hosted…yeah go to America!

Is this finally good enough?

I don’t think so. And in particular when you look at the history of the people who really need the unlimited internet data plan. Get it from Olinemasai here:

Ok..before i talk of pefect speed for the unlimited, i will dust my Safaricom modem and use it for a week. After that…….

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  • Hey told you the speed is great….have you tried it yet. They listened and to any person 256kbps is alot I must say unless one is doing online streaming media business. Am still using it for my online job and its awesome. post your speed test picture if you are using it. cheers!

    Anomus July 29, 2011 13:51
  • so i subscribed to this safaricom “unlimited” bundle thinking the speeds would be 3g. but now as i realise with safaricom there is alway a catch i.e limited speed. I am a heavy downloader and I now regret why i opted to buy safaricom bundle instead of Orange which go for the same price but the one for orange is faster as it is not limited!

    onekilo July 30, 2011 01:16
  • ‘You can game on 256k just fine’
    Get serious. What type of games, Tetris?

    MMK July 31, 2011 17:07
  • I will be testing it in the coming two days, and sit tight there, i will give you the report

    Kachwanya July 31, 2011 19:51
  • Heavy downloader…oooh boy stick with orange or buy bundles

    Kachwanya July 31, 2011 19:53
  • game, I hope you know that it is updated with exciting graphics and new versions. So it might not be that light. Anyway let me just say it depends with the game..

    Kachwanya July 31, 2011 19:58
  • This is neat. Will give it a spin. By the way, what is orange’s average download speed?

    Guest August 3, 2011 18:10
  • About to load up my recently acquired modem after  conveniently ‘misplacing’ mine, let’s see what becomes of these unlimited bundles….

    Nanjira Sambuli August 31, 2011 19:40
  • this is not enough,i am heavy downloader i usually download 2gb of data within 2 to 3 minutes,by the end of the day i have 200 GB of data ,safaricom should really pull up their socks and make that to 3.6 MB  per second, ksh. 3000 is a lot and they can make it 3.6 MB per second if people conitnue to pressure bob collymore. bob collymore if you see this try reconsider AGAIN. 256 KB per second is just tortoise speed

    Muthigan September 1, 2011 13:10
  • 256kbps is bullshit kenyans are being ripped off u pay for unlimited n u get worst speed ever !!!!

    Frednw November 16, 2011 16:33