Kenic Starts a month Long .Ke domains promotion

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Kenic announced  a month long promotion of dot domain extensions starting today. Kenic will be selling the .ke domains to registrars at Kes 1000/= . From there expects them to sell the domains to the public between Ksh.1400 to Ksh.2000

According to Kenic the following Registrars have been committed to sell,, domains at a cost of not more than Kes. 1500/= exclusive of VAT.

  1.  EACdirectory
  2. Afriregister Limited
  3. Almond Communications
  4. Blueprint Technologies
  5. LTD
  6. Computer Doctors
  7. Converged Media Solutions
  8. Creative Edge Ltd
  9. Cyberworld Internet Solution Providers
  10. Datapath Technologies Limited
  11. Digital Horizons Ltd.
  12. Domain Masters Ltd
  13. Domains Kenya Ltd.
  14. Abba Networks
  15. GEDA Limited
  16. get2net
  17. Gempack Dot Net Enterprises
  18. Get Online Hosts
  19. Greenbell Communications Limited
  20. Globefinity Systems Ltd
  22. ICT Consultants Limited
  23. Intrepid Data Systems
  24. JBA Advertising
  25. Kemnet Technologies
  26. Kenya Website Experts
  27. Kenya Webhosting
  28. Kenyaweb Hostmaster
  29. Kenyasoftnet LTD
  30. Logic Outsource Limited
  31. Loksons Designs
  32. Newsline Media Productions
  33. Nick Creations Ltd
  34. MyISP Ltd
  35. Packet Central Technologies Ltd
  36. Palm Online Systems
  37. Peak and Dale Solutions Ltd
  38. Samnet Africa Ltd
  39. SasaHivi Media Ltd
  40. Sasahost Limited
  42. Secunets Technologies
  43. Sisi Communications Ltd
  44. Software Application Architects Limited
  45. Starnet Solutions
  46. Stratech Office Systems
  47. Swiftweb Technologies Ltd
  48. Twenty Four Interactive
  49. Visual Pixel Systems
  50. Way Forward Technologies
  51. Web Host Africa ltd
  52. Webhost kenya Ltd
  53. Xtranet Communications Ltd
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