The ministry of ICT and Youth Affairs has today launched a 10 years National Digital Master Plan, covering 2022 to 2032. The ministry through the CAS Joe Mucheru believes that the plan will help transform Kenyan economic development through technology
The Master Plan has identified 19 flagship projects, which the government will focus on, to accelerate the digital transformation of the country. Some of the notable the flagship projects highlighted in the plan are :
The digital divide
The ministry aims to reduce the digital divide in order to spur economic growth of rural areas, the masterplan proposes deployment of 100,000 Kms of fiber optic infrastructure to 40,000 schools and other learning institutions, 20,000 government institutions, 13,000 health facilities, 25,000 hotspots to support youth and innovators and establishment of 1,450 wards digital innovation hubs
One One-stop for Government Services
To enable ‘one-stop shop’ for all government core services the masterplan proposes accelerated automation and digitization for all government core services in both national and county governments. This will start with the digitization of over 5 billion government records.
The addressing System
To accelerate the growth of e-commerce initiatives the master plan is proposing the implementation of the National Physical addressing system and the National Spatial Data Infrastructure to promote the growth of e-commerce and private enterprise, the Master Plan.
The Master Plan the proposes establishment of two software factories and another two electronic manufacturing factories that will service Kenya and the region. It is estimated that these two factories will hire over 10,000 software engineers. Interesting but we will wait to see how this will happen
Digital Literacy Capacity building
The masterplan proposes digital literacy capacity building for all citizen starting with 20 million citizen, training of 300,000 public servants and build adequate technical support through training of 10,000 ICT professionals.
Regional Smart hub and Regional cables maintenance depot
To position the country as a Regional ICT hub, the masterplan proposes establishment of regional ICT Smart hub as well as regional submarine cables maintenance depot.
Dealing with e-waste
To address country’s e-waste challenges, the masterplan proposes e-waste management programme with gives strategic focus on e-waste production, handling and disposal.
Cloud Services and data management
To promote cloud services and data management for the country, the masterplan proposes accelerated implementation of Konza Techno polis and data protection legislation.
Local Innovations
To promote local innovators, entrepreneurs and businesses, the masterplan proposes harmonization of legislations to enable growth of ICT businesses in addition to hosting annual international ICT Expo for entrepreneurs to show case on their products and services
To Mobilize adequate resources for successful implementation of the flagship projects, the masterplan proposes enactment of e-government legislations in addition to structured partnership with private sector and development partners.