IMO -How can I compete at Class 5 IMO

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Olympiad examinations are high school championships held all over the world. Because the students competing are of the same educational level, the exam is a level playing field. The International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO) is a math competition. The IMO is the oldest ISO ever held.

In 1959, Romania hosted the first IMO, which drew nearly seven countries. Olympiads have been held once a year since then, with over 100 countries participating.

The Science Olympiad Foundation (SOF), a non-profit organisation, administers the Olympiad tests. The charity that supports the organisation is the IMO foundation.

Math is a subject that demands a great deal of practise. We’re here to help you prepare for your upcoming IMO by providing you with all the knowledge you’ll need.

IMO books


·    The purpose of the Olympiad, which is open to kids in grades 1 through 12, is to identify and assist individuals who have the potential to become future scientists or technologists.

·    Olympiad Examinations aid in determining a child’s competence and true potential, which may assist him in surviving in today’s competitive environment.

·    IMO also assists pupils in competing against students from all across the country or the world.

·    It allows them to assess their mathematical abilities.

·    They encourage students to strive for a better and more in-depth comprehension of scientific truths in order to improve their reasoning, analytical, and problem-solving abilities.

How to register

·    If you are a willing candidate, you must register At least 30 days before the exam date

·    The SOF IMO registration for 2021 is only eligible to kids in grades 1 through 12.

·    The Science Olympiad Foundation hosts a number of prominent Olympiads, including the International Mathematics Olympiad.

·    To enrol for SOF IMO, each student must pay a cost of INR 125.

·    Students whose parents were killed in the line of duty or who have a serious physical disability are exempt from paying the fees.

·    Students can either enrol through their school or as solo candidates for the SOF IMO exam.

·    If you are registering as a solo candidate, Visit the SOF official website and select online registration by students.

·    Information required to be filled in the SOF IMO application form are,

1. School code

2.  If the school doesn’t participate, give code “AB9999”

3.  School name

4.  School address

5.  Pin code

6.  School phone number

7.   Principal name

8.   School email id

9.   Country, state, and city

·    If you are filling the form as an solo candidate,

1.  Student name

2.  Gender

3.  Class and section

4.  Student mobile number

5.  Student email id

Syllabus .

Section 1:

·    Patterns

·    Analogy and Classification

·    Geometrical Shapes

·    Mirror and Water Images

·    Direction Sense Test

·    Ranking test

·    Alphabet Test

·    Logical Sequence of words

·    Puzzle test

·    Coding Decoding

Section 2:

·    Numerals

·    Number names and Number sense

·    Computation Operations

·    Fractions and Decimals

·    Measurement of Length

·    Weight

·    Capacity

·    Time

·    Temperature and money

·    Conversions

·    Geometrical Shapes and Solids

·    Angles

·    Perimeter of Various Shapes

·    Area of Rectangle and Square

·    Symmetry

·    Data handling

Section 3:

·    The syllabus of this section will be based on the Syllabus of Mathematical Reasoning.

Section 4:

·    Higher Order Thinking Questions- Syllabus as per section 2.

Additional information

·    Exam dates are, Level 1 exam: November – December

Level 2 exam: February – March

·   In 60 minutes, the contestant must answer 50 questions.

·   The following sections will be included in the question paper:

1. The first section is devoted to logical reasoning (15 questions)

2. Mathematical Reasoning (Section II) (20 questions)

3 Everyday Mathematics (Section III) (10 questions)

4. Achievers Section (Section IV) (5 questions)

·   The 1st level Olympiads are open to students in grades 1 through 12.

·   There are no other eligibility requirements, such as minimum grades.

·   Students that qualify for the second level of the exam are the top 5% of students in each class who take the first level exam.

·   Top 25 rank holders by zone and class.

·   Each participating school’s class toppers, with at least 10 students from a class taking the exam and scoring 50% qualifying marks.

·   Students with the highest grades, regardless of section, will qualify for the second level if registration is accepted section by section.

·   The winner(s) of the gold medal may not necessarily qualify for the second level in section-wise registrations.

·   Each participant must pay INR 125 (with 18 percent GST) towards the cost of the examination for schools in India, Bangladesh, Bhutan, and Nepal.

·   You are exempt from paying the fee if you have a serious physical disability or if you are an Indian student whose parent was killed in a defence action.

·   In addition, the school may charge a fee of up to INR 25 per pupil for the honorarium of the in charge, instructor compensation, SOF-supplied study materials, and other miscellaneous expenses.

·   To improve your efficiency at answering questions, give timed mock tests in a completely exam-like environment.

·   Solve IMO Maths Olympiad Class 5 Previous Year papers .

·   The Maths Olympiad book for Class 5 is a particularly designed Olympiad workbook that will assist students in achieving high marks in the International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO).

·    This IMO book is available in soft copy (PDF format) and can be read on any smartphone, tablet, laptop, or computer.

·    This Workbook covers a variety of Subjective & Reasoning subjects to help students improve their thinking and reasoning skills.

·    Students can assess their abilities by answering multiple-choice questions based on their school’s curriculum, and they can also treat their minds by answering the tough Mental Ability Questions.

·    The questions on the IMO level are complex, convoluted, and difficult to understand.

·    It is necessary to have a good understanding of concepts. You should be able to apply concepts as well as understand them.

·    All of the questions in IMO require students to think outside the box in order to find the correct answer. It encourages students to put their intelligence to good use. ·    The prize is up to INR 50,000 + Gold medal + Performance certificate

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