Enrich your Home Lifestyle with Safaricom Home Fibre

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Safaricom Home Fibre - Home Inahappen

Right now what most people think of when the word home is mentioned is probably work from home, thanks largely to the COVID-19 pandemic; but as someone who has worked from home my entire work life, I can assure you it is just working that you want to think of when you hardly get out of the house. Other than work from home, you also need to sort yourself on Education/Learning, Entertainment, Family time and Personal time. These five form the basis of a holistic Home Lifestyle and as shall see in this article, they can all be enriched by Safaricom Home Fibre. Let’s start with education.

Distant Learning with Safaricom Home Fibre

On March 26th 2021, President Kenyatta announced a raft of measures meant to curtail the fast-spreading COVID-19, which included shutting down schools for a second time. The schools that were affected by the second shutdown were institutions of higher learning including Masinde Muliro University. When Masinde Muliro closed, the students were encouraged to stay at their hostels from where they could continue with their classes but online. The experiment did not last even for a week because most students could not afford the needed data bundles to stay online. The students were then asked to go home and wait for the reopening of the university.

Another university that was shut down was Daystar University, but different from Masinde Muliro University, Daystar students were asked to go home and continue with their classes online. As it happened, the online classes were able to continue smoothly since most of those students came from homes that were already connected to unlimited Home Fibre Internet.

The two scenarios are apt indications of how Home Fibre connectivity can play a role in changing both students’ and institution life. In an era where most University try to incorporate distant/online learning in their curriculum, families are encouraged to take advantage of home Internet connectivity whenever available, given that such a connectivity not only provides quality reliable Internet, but is also very affordable. When enough homes are connected to home internet by Internet providers like Safaricom, it will be easy for institutions to be flexible enough to encourage students to attend either online classes or physical ones.

Right now most students must incur the costs associated with staying in or near their respective universities, and this is because the universities can only offer physical classes. In a world where most families have reliable fast Safaricom Home Fibre, and the universities (and other learning institutions such as high schools), have developed rigorous programs for online learning, it will be expected that students willing to just learn from home will be able to do so without having to incur extra costs. Actually, the students who will be able to learn from home will likely save a lot.

Even as we wait for as many as economically viable homes to be connected to Safaricom Home Fibre in order for online learnings to become the norm, you can already take advantage of existing distant learning programs from both local, regional and International universities by connecting your home to Safaricom Home Fibre. To be connected, all you need to do is to dial *400# on your mobile phone and follow the prompts provided.

The flexibility of working from Home

I’m one person who cannot work from an office setting, and this is because my entire employment life has been working from home. Over the years, my data demand has increased from 500 MBs per day to the current usage rate of 2GB per day. But the 2GB per day is only sufficient for work (reading, writing, and watching relevant work videos). What this means is that for me to get more from the Internet in additional to the content I need for work purposes, I need more data – and I have approximated that I’d need an additional 8 GB more data per day for a total of 10GB per day – which comes to 300GB per month. Shopping around, I see the cheapest mobile data provider requires me to part with shs 6000 per month to service the 300GB monthly data demand.

And that’s why in the beginning of April I moved to Safaricom Home Fibre and subscribed to the Silver package. With this package, I am no longer worried about the amount of data I have spent on a given day – be it 1GB or 20GBs, for at the end of the day no matter the amount of data consumed in the month, I still pay a paltry shs 4000 each month – which is shs 2000 cheaper than the shs 6000 the cheapest mobile data provider requires me to part with.

The flexibility of using Safaricom Home Fibre allows me to play YouTube videos (mostly music) in the background as I work on articles like this one. I can also create a few hours per day to stream movies or even play a game or two in full HD. In addition to personal entertainment, Safaricom Home Fibre has allowed me to consume educational content as much as possible, mostly free YouTube lessons. Today I can boast of having completed Data Science Level 1 within the two months I have used Safaricom Home Fibre.

Family Time with Safaricom Home Fibre

If there is one thing that’s hard to do is balancing between work or learning from home with family time. Mostly, working from home sends the wrong impression that whoever it is that is working is ignoring the other family members, when in the real sense it is the other family members that become a distraction at work.

The friction between family time and the need to work from home can be somehow alleviated by Safaricom Home Fibre, especially the Silver and above packages. These packages provide wide bandwidths (20 Mbps for Silver, 40 Mbps for Gold and 100 Mbps for Diamond) and allow for multiple device streaming. This means that when you are working and your family members are around the house, they need not get bored as they wait for that precious family time you should be giving them. As they wait for that family time, they can also connect their devices (usually smartphones) to the Safaricom Home Fibre and stream or play games.

After you are done with your work, the entire family can thereafter gather around a single device (e.g. a smart TV) and get to enjoy high-quality content meant to bring the family together. As this article clearly states, “spending time with your family gives your other family members the idea that they can trust you. Movie time is a good way to bond with your children and spouse. Bonding time can help eliminate any barrier between family members. Movie time is also a good venue for laughs”.

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