People have been building roads and transportation routes for thousands of years. The Silk Road, the vast, (still intact) Roman stone highway, even the U.S. highway system created in the 1950s, are testaments to improving modern standards of transportation: this trend still continues to this day. You can learn more about this field of highway safety history from the safety professionals of OTW at According to Boom & Bucket, with new breakthroughs in construction technology and ever-evolving innovation, the transportation industry has been receiving a bevy of gifts; these innovations are making the lives of all that are touched by transportation much better (businesses, industries, and individuals). Let’s take a quick look at some of the new technologies used in the traffic, highway, and construction industries.
Self-Driving Cars
A little less impressive than hover cars (but still extremely important), self-driving cars are a new 21st-century technology that will revolutionize many parts of commerce and industry. While still not 100% perfect, companies like Tesla are continuously working to improve this technology while making it safer for consumer use. On-board sensors, GPS, smart computers, and other technologies implemented on highways and in space allow for cars to cruise at high speeds with precise safety. The application of this technology will improve shipping, travel, and every other aspect of life that involves going from point A to point B. Should you buy a new or used car? Or maybe even a smart car?
Smart Car Communication
Another similar technology, the creation of “smart cars” and the various communication between them is a promising new technology. By linking smart cars to other smart cars and systems through wireless systems, drivers can learn vital information like current traffic conditions and can even communicate with other smart car drivers. Certain states are implementing advanced communication capabilities all along highway structures to help improve smart car communication. This creates a web of communication that improves the drivers and the people overseeing traffic and highway conditions.
Aerial Drones
One of the most promising new technologies in general, aerial drones, are excelling in the highway and construction industries. Aerial drones have many practical applications. Surveying future (possibly hazardous) construction sites, watching live traffic problems, and even delivering supplies are just some of the few uses of aerial drones. Piloting these remote aerial drones is likely to be a sought-after profession over the upcoming years. With more updates and better improvements, aerial drones will gain more practical uses as new ideas arise.