How To Maximize on Air Conditioner Use and Minimize Electricity Bills

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Heating and Cooling systems contribute largely to the monthly electricity bills in home and office settings. With the ever-changing weather and seasons, comfortability calls for the adoption of such systems around our environment but with energy efficiency in mind.

As you enjoy the pros of these systems, it is important to consider a few hacks to maximize the use of your Air Conditioner and minimize the electricity bills.

Increase Your AC Temperature and Keep It Moderate

The conditioning unit should be set at a stable temperature to allow more working hours with less electricity used. This is to avoid straining the AC by pumping cold air out on its lowest level. For example, increasing your AC temperature by 1 degree saves you up to 6% electricity. Therefore, setting your AC temperature to 24 degrees Celsius can help save you energy because only the fans run and the compressor is switched off

Alternative Air Conditioning

The quick-relief the AC provides can be addictive, however, this becomes a problem because the electricity bill is not spared. On a good day, you can choose to open windows to allow a natural breeze into the room. Glass for example is known to transmit heat, to ease the pressure on your pocket, be sure to close blinds or curtains and shut the doors to keep all the cool air where you want it.

Turn it off in areas you are not in

It’s pointless to use your air conditioner when no one is present to enjoy it, so make sure to turn it off when members of your household are using other areas of your home. When you’re busy, it’s easy to overlook the fact that cooling an empty space is extremely inefficient.

Adopt Use of Timers

Using the auto-on/off function is key in running your unit. Instead of letting the AC run all night, set a timer of between 1 – 2hours until the time you sleep. Also, setting a timer of when you arrive home or to the office will cut on unnecessary electricity bills.

Keep your conditioner clean

A dirty air conditioner filter can use an additional 5-15 percent of energy. It is therefore important to clean the conditioning unit and provide regular maintenance. All you need is a wipe-down and change of filter to have it running efficiently and saving money at the same time.

Current technology – Inverter compressor

For those looking to buy AC units, technology is key in your consideration as it will save energy and money in your pocket. Inverter technology is designed to save 30-50% electricity units consumed compared to a regular air conditioner. Inverter technology adjusts the cooling load from zero to maximum based on actual requirements. This technology provides energy-saving measures such as; occupancy sensor, humidity sensor as well air purification kit for good indoor air quality.

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