Safaricom doubles Storo Bonus – But it is still bogus

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Storo Bonus

Safaricom has always given me a target of spending Kshs 17 of airtime any single day, and when I do so I get shs 17 free airtime to spend, but must be before midnight. Yesterday I was surprised to receive a message indicating that I had received shs 34 free airtime in the Storo Bonus offer. The shs 34 free airtime was however bogus – I couldn’t use it. I couldn’t use it because just as always, it came in at around 11 PM, leaving me with only one hour window before expiry. At 11 PM, who the hell was I supposed to call?

Who do you call at 11 PM? Your crush? Your spouse? My spouse was in the bedroom that’s countable steps away from my living room. Maybe I should have called her. The other people I could have called are people’s spouses, and at 11 PM your guess is as good as mine, they were probably busy doing what spouses do – if not, they were fast asleep waiting to wake up early in readiness to report to their slave masters first thing in the morning.

Even if I had someone I could call, for how long was I going to talk to him? A none business phone call done at night to someone you have no intention of dating or chewing hardly lasts for more than two minutes – and at shs 2 per minute charges that Safaricom calls incur past 10 PM, the most I could spend of that free airtime is shs 4. Then the shs 30 would still remain bogus.

I am not the only person who complains. A discussion on storo bonus erupted once in my village where these elders and young people alike expressed just how much they hated achieving their storo bonus targets way past 9 PM. Their concern is that they always got the bonus airtime, but most of the time they were unable to use it, or when they could they were not in a position to exhaust the storo bonus.

The question to Safaricom right now, what is the point of offering people offers that are totally bogus? The best way to structure the storo bonus is not to have it expire at midnight, but to get the damn thing work for 24 hours. How hard is that? For example my 11 PM storo bonus, if it were to expire today at 11 PM, I could have had the whole day to utilise the extra free airtime, even it at shs 4 per minute that I am normally charged during peak hours.

The argument from Safaricom can be something like this, “we are interested in making money, not giving out free airtime”. My response would be, “then don’t give. Not giving free airtime is way better than giving some useless bogus airtime that in most instances helps no one”.

And before I forget, the double bogus storo bonus airtime runs from 6th August to 20th October 2019. In addition to doubling the storo bonus offer there is also a 200 MB free bundles for watching YouTube, although just as useless, as according to a press release sent to, “The 200% bonus and 200MB Free YouTube bundle is valid until midnight of the same day.”  Safaricom can do better!

See also: Now is the best time to quit Zuku and grab the Safaricom lucrative offers for Safaricom Home Fibre

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