If you are a teacher, you need to dial *865# and join the Minet health insurance plan

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minet health insurance

Over the last several weeks we have highlighted a number of stories where teachers and their dependencies benefited immensely from Minet Health Insurance. The highlights covered those who got into accidents that could have been fatal were it not for Minet’s intervention to offer them proper medical care, to those who had to travel abroad for more advanced treatment on cancer. As more and more teachers get to enjoy the health benefits associated with being part of Minet, you as a teacher may be wondering how to get your hands on the incredible insurance plan, and in this blog post I got you covered.

The first thing you have to do before you can start enjoying the exclusive benefits that come with Minet health Insurance is to make sure you are employed as a teacher by the TSC. There are no two ways about it (I’m definitely jealous). Secondly, and this is the easy part, and should be done after ensuring that you are indeed a teacher employed by TSC, is to pick your Safaricom phone or Airtel phone and dial *865#, follow the prompts, and be registered. That’s the mobile registration.

Thirdly, after going through the mobile registration, a teacher will need to visit a partner health facility to do biometric registration. And that’s just it. If you have dependants, which are your spouse (strictly one spouse per person) and up to a maximum of four biological and/or legal children (children of the beneficiaries are people below the age of 18 or up to 25 years but if and only if they are still in post secondary education – there is however no age limit for disabled children), you can register them too. Registering the dependents follows the same process of dialing *865#. One thing worth pointing is out is that when registering, you will be required to input the details of your County and Sub-County, and this is done so as to allow Minet to suggest nearby hospitals from where you can get immediate medical attention.

After registering into the TSC MEDICAL SCHEME for that is what Minet Health Insurance Plan is officially called, you will be eligible to start enjoying both inpatient and outpatient benefits. To know where you can get medical attention that will be paid for by your Minet Health Insurance cover, the only thing you need to do is to dial *340# and you will be good to go.

Then you need to know that Minet health insurance covers a wide range of ailments – right from the tiny nuisances that require outpatient care, to terminal illnesses like cancer that may come with implications of traveling abroad in order to get specialist care and treatment.

Then, for those who do not want to take advantage of Minet Health Insurance, or any other health insurance plan for those of you who are not teachers, what you need to know is that when my wife was admitted for three nights to deliver our son, I only had to part with Kshs 35, instead of Kshs 120,000 that I could have paid if she didn’t have her maternity covered by her health insurance plan. Go for the your health insurance plan, and go for it now.

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