Radicalization and Violent Extremism is a scourge in our country. A silent epidemic that spreads in the shadows and no longer affects only young Muslims, but each and every member of the society without exception. While government agencies and community stakeholders continually intensify the fight against extremism with both military and non-military strategies, a change of tact is necessary. The fight against radicalization and violent extremism now falls not only government and security forces, but on all of us.
The Kenyan youth are a highly vibrant audience in terms of receptivity and accessibility of information. In drafting their lines of engagement, in-depth audience analysis for appropriate and effective messaging is thus imperative.
The HORN Institute, Building Resilience Against Violent Extremism (BRAVE), Center for Sustainable Conflict Resolution (CSCR), Global Network of Religions for Children (GNRC), in collaboration with Nuvision and EpukaUgaidi officially launch the second edition of LengaUgaidinaTalanta 2018 under the theme ‘Fighting Terrorism through art’.
LengaUgaidinaTalanta is an initiative that seeks to channel youth creativity towards countering the violent extremist narrative. The competition is a short film contest, targeting Kenyan youth participation (Under 35 years) in the fight against radicalization and violent extremism. The short films, songs and poems will represent the youth’s voice in the fight against radicalization, violent extremism and terrorism in our country.
Participants are expected to submit videos with topics bordering on
- Peer responsibility (Identifying early warning signs of radicalization among peers).
- How to effectively and responsibly respond in the unfortunate event of a terror attack.
- The role of Social Media in Radicalisation and Terrorism.
- How terrorists lure and use women and children and the role of women and children in Counter-Terrorism
- The true meaning of Jihad
All videos, poetry and songs are to be submitted to [email protected]
The competition will run through the 1st October 2018 to 16th November 2018. The public announcement of the winner will be on 5th December 2018. The prizes include Ksh. 500,000 for the winner, 1st runners-up will be awarded Ksh.250,000 and 2ndrunners up Ksh.100,000. There will also be Ksh 100,000 each for the poetry and music category winners.