This is how you can win one of those five remaining Maisha ni MPESA Tu Apartments

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For the millions of you who have been feeling unlucky like me when it comes to betting and corporate promotions like Maisha ni MPESA Tu, I have good news for you; you are actually eligible to win one of those five remaining Maisha ni MPESA Tu Apartments – and here below is the winning secret, particularly in the Maisha Ni MPESA Tu promotion.

Check out this Article: That anger Kenyans had against Safaricom’s Maisha ni MPESA Tu was from a misunderstanding

Okay, you are right – the probability of you winning is actually very very low. This is because there are likely 23 million Kenyans registered to compete for the 5 apartments, but, how many of them do you think reason like you? The ones who have already given up hence are not doing as many MPESA transactions as they should? Trust me, they are as many as 23 million. That leaves a handful thousands above the 23 million mark to aggressively compete for the 5 remaining MPESA Tu apartments. Which means, if you become aggressive enough, then your odds of winning will automatically increase, probably by more than a million fold.

To put the above mumbo-jumbo in numbers, the odds of a non-aggressive MPESA Tu competitor is somewhere in the range of 0.0000002174, but that low odd increases a million-fold for the top aggressive players to 0.2714 – that’s from 0.00002174% likelihood of winning to 27.14% likelihood of winning.

Alright, you now know that you can actually improve your likelihood of winning a million fold, but how do you practically go about it? The easiest answer is this;  for the remaining period of Maisha Ni MPESA Tu promotion, stop receiving money in cash or through bank transfers. Tell all those who want to give you money to do so by sending it to your MPESA. But receiving money via MPESA will just help you jump from the majority 20 million subscribers unlikely to win probably to the top 3 million subscribers that are very much likely to get away with one of the five apartments. This is because every time you receive money on MPESA, the sender has also earned an equal amount of MPESA Tu points. That means you need to step up your game and get out of the top 3 million to be in the group of the few thousands that are over and above the 23 million mark.

To step up your game, you need to go the extra mile and start paying for goods and services via Lipa Na MPESA – and you need to do that for every single good or service that can be paid for via Lipa Na MPESA. Be it shopping at a supermarket, over the counter drugs that you must buy from a Pharmacy, a bill that you must pay for at a restaurant or that fuel that you must refill at the petrol station, just make sure you make all those payments via Lipa Na MPESA. Do that for every single transaction that accepts Lipa Na MPESA either through Pay Bill or Buy-Goods option and you’ve already jumped to be among the few thousand Kenyans whose odds of winning are over and above 25%.

If you don’t believe me then listen to the South African who emerged the winner of the second Apartment after James Njagi Waweru took home (pun intended) the first apartment. “From my first days, I have come to prefer M-PESA for most of my transactions as I find it convenient to use my phone when paying for fuel, shopping, making payments to other people and for booking the SGR on regular family trips to the Coast”, he said. Mr Waweru had said the same thing, “My frequent usage of MPESA to receive payments from customers and to make payments for our business supplies has contributed to my earning of multiple entries in the ongoing promotion.”

So you want to win? Then start receiving and making those payments via Lipa Na MPESA.

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