Kshs 4 is the amount of money you are probably spending every single minute whenever you make calls using your Safaricom line. If you are a business person who must get in touch with clients by the minute, you probably spend over 80 minutes daily on calls, and if you are the one making these calls, then your spending on airtime every single day is somewhere near Kshs 320, which translates to Kshs 9,600 per month. But did you know you could be spending a meager Kshs 5000 on the same call time per month if you opted to use Safaricom Flex Bundles?
Safaricom has a number of cost saving prepaid products, but none of them beat my beloved Safaricom Flex Bundles, especially when it comes to spending on calls. The other products that include Safaricom Blaze (a tariff for humans below the age of 26) and Tunukiwa, do not even come close to the juicy offers Safaricom Flex Bundles has. For instance, in Tunukiwa, the best you can do is to buy 100 minutes for Kshs 250, working out to be Kshs 2.5 per minute. Compare that to the best offer Flex has where 2,500 minutes costs Kshs 5,000; which works out to be Kshs 2 per minute.
The beauty of Safaricom Flex Bundles does not end with the cheap calls one can make. With Tunukiwa, you can either purchase data, minutes or SMS separately, but on Safaricom Flex Bundles, the bundles purchased can do the three jobs all under one package. Buying the 7,500 Safaricom Flex Bundles for example will not only enable you to access up to 2,500 minutes for talk time, but will also allow you access up to a maximum of of 22.5GB data and a maximum of 22,500 SMSes.
The best way to understand Safaricom Flex Bundles is to think of it as a regular tariff, in which after loading your line with regular airtime, you can use that airtime to either make calls, browse the Internet or send text messages. If however you were to use the regular airtime on the above services, you would end up spending Ksh 4 per minute on calls, Kshs 8 per MB on data, and/or Kshs 1 per text message. Using Safaricom Flex Bundles on the other hand allows you to use as low as Kshs 2 per minute on calls, Kshs 0.22 per MB on data, and Kshs 0.22 per MB on texts.
The other way to think of Safaricom Flex Bundles is to think of it in terms of your regular data bundles. Normally, people do not use direct airtime to browse the Internet as that would be extremely expensive, mostly more than 10 times expensive. So what we normally do is to buy airtime, and after the phone is loaded with airtime we use that airtime to purchased bundled data e.g. we can purchase 3GB data for Kshs 1,000. But purchasing data this way still means that when we want to make calls or send text messages, we must revert to using regular airtime – so our saving is only on data. So, what if we had a way of purchasing bundled airtime and bundled SMS? This is what Tunukiwa does. Tunukiwa allows one to purchase bundled data, bundled airtime and bundled text messages – but all done separately.
Safaricom Flex Bundles resolves both the hustle of cost and the need to purchase data bundles, airtime bundles and SMS bundles separately. When you purchase Safaricom Flex Bundles, you have already purchased all the three core services all in one bundle – so that whenever you browse, or send SMS, or call, what is consumed is not your regular airtime, but the Safaricom Flex Bundles. That is, think of Safaricom Flex Bundles as data bundles that will also allow you to call and send text messages without having to revert to the use of your regular airtime – and that’s why I consider it a special tariff for making affordable calls, sending affordable SMSes, and browsing as though you have purchased your regular Safaricom data bundles.
I hope with that you now understand why you need to opt for Safaricom Flex Bundles for either your calls, your text messages or your browsing. Having used the product since its launch in March 2017, I can assure you that there is no time I have wanted to revert back to using regular airtime for making calls or sending SMSes, as that option would be at least 30% more expensive as compared to doing the same via Safaricom Flex Bundles.
Now that you also want to test and enjoy the beauty of Safaricom Flex Bundles, here is how to go about it.
- On your prepaid line dial *100#. If you are a postpaid user you dial *200#.
- On the next screen enter 0 and press OK.
- After than you enter appropriate number depending on the Safaricom Flex Bundles you want to buy – be they the monthly, the weekly or the daily Flex Bundles.