Nearly 110 million Netflix subscribers targeted in recent email scam

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If you have not received an email from Netflix with a subject line “Your suspension notification” warning you of account suspension due to invalid billing information, beware of a scam going round that could have personal and credit card information stolen.

The recent Netflix email scam is targeting subscribers of the popular streaming service asking account owners to verify their subscription information or risk account suspension. The email that is well designed and individualized convinces customers to participate in a “quick” update that includes a link where the subscriber is taken to a fake Netflix page which requires their log-in information as well as credit card number.

The email that reads in part…

We were unable to validate your billing information for the next billing cycle of your subscription therefore we’ll suspend your membership if we do not receive a response from you within 48 hrs.

Obviously we’d love to have you back, update your details and continue to enjoy all the best TV shows and movies without interruption.

The email has an embedded link that directs one to a “Netflix” site. Once directed to the fake Netflix site, there is an inclusion of Netflix’s logo as well as popular Netflix shows like The Crown and House of Cards to make it seem legitimate. People with accounts should therefore remain vigilant for these suspension emails to avoid getting their personal information compromised.




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