Telegram Updates its Group Administration Features

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In 2015, Telegram Messenger announced its supergroups feature, one that made groups very different from the norms in that they would have a thousand members, 800 more than that what the groups would initially capacitate. Telegram later extended the limit of their supergroups to 5000, a number that sounded crazy. If you thought that was the case, well the current limit will allow 10,000 members. A small town would hypothetically fit in one group!

The huge membership limit, however, adds varies challenges such as group administration, and this is the reason the social media platform came up with awesome new tools to help administrator manage these super groups.

The most basic tool is the search option, where admins can find a particular member. This comes in handy since it would be time-consuming to drop through lists looking for a specific person. Upon identifying a member, the admin can then set the privileges that the member should have. An admin can let users modify the group information, delete messages, block users, pin messages as well as making fellow membersā€™ admins. These options are all done independently, so the ā€˜Superadminā€™ can select what content to allow and what not by simply checking the various options.

Partial bans are also available options as the admins that limit their activities without necessarily banning them entirely. By this, an admin control activities such as reading or sending messages, preventing media sharing as well as imposing temporary or permanent bans. These activities are based on the memberā€™s activities since the platform can have bot police!

Since such groups will definitely have many administrators, the platform has incorporated a ā€œrecent actionsā€ option on the admin page, which keeps a log of actions taken in the group. These logs keep information for a period of 48 hours, after which it is automatically deleted.

In addition, version 4.1 for the iOS will have new improvements where one can add optional comments when sharing stuff from other applications. One can also select multiple recipients. On Android, the same version allows support for Bot Payments as well as improvements on video and images selection.Ā  The update also comes with features such as anti-censorship options which include the availability of Proxy Server settings located on the ā€œData and Storageā€ sections.

Although Whatsapp has more subscribers than Telegram in Kenya, I think that Telegram has the real deal in social media convenience.

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