Safaricom Flex Units, a product launched towards the end of March 2017, was meant to be this flexible product that allows you, the Safaricom subscriber, to enjoy data, voice, and SMS services without having to worry about bundles – be they data bundles, voice bundles, or SMS bundles. Immediately after the launch, I analysed the new product and found it to both rigid and stupid. The rigidity has been flexed but it is still stupid.
My conclusion that Safaricom Flex Units were far from what the name suggests was arrived at by considering that if you are a buyer of monthly Flex Units, then you were restricted to only the Shs 2,499 option which provided 3100 Flex Units. A buyer of the weekly option was restricted to the Shs 599 option which gave 700 Flex Units, whereas the buyer of the daily Flex Units was restricted to the Shs 99 option which gave 115 Flex Units. These restricted options which made the Safaricom Flex Units too rigid were relaxed over the weekend and today buyers of Safaricom Flex Units have variety of options to choose from.
Right now, buyers of Safaricom Flex Units via the traditional *100# have these options:
Buyers for monthly Safaricom Flex Units:
- Option 1 – Shs 2,499 that provides 3500 Flex Units
- Option 2 – Shs 1,999 that provides 2700 Flex Units
- Option 3 – Shs 999 that provides 1,100 Flex Units
Buyers of weekly Safaricom Flex Units
- Option 1 – Shs 599 that provides 700 Flex Units
Buyers of daily Safaricom Flex Units
- Option 1 – Shs 99 that provides 115 Flex Units
- Option 2 – Shs 50 that provides 50 Flex Units
As can be noted from the above options, the monthly users have more flexibility, followed by daily users whereas the weekly flex users are still restricted to the only one available option. In addition to that unfairness, it can be noted that the users of the monthly flex units have been given more flex units for the same amount they used to spend on Flex Units. Initially, the Shs 2,499 gave 3,100 Flex Units, but for the same amount the users will now be able to get 3,500 Flex Units.
Purchasing the Safaricom Flex Units is now not limited to *100# alone. Owners of smartphones can as well download the MySafaricom App (if they haven’t done so already), and use the newly introduced Flex interface to buy the Flex Units.
Sadly, the daily flex users haven’t been allowed to buy their flex units via the App – probably because Safaricom thinks that only those with feature phones are the ones who consume daily flex units.
As you have noticed, the fact that the buyers of the weekly flex units have been given at least two options, and the fact that those who choose to buy flex units via smartphones have been allowed to buy the daily flex units, means that Safaricom has decided to discriminate upon her weekly and daily flex subscribers. I hope they will rectify this anomaly. Oh, and the weekly/daily subscribers haven’t been given any discounts!