10th March 2017. This is the set deadline for submissions to The BAKE(Bloggers Association of Kenya) awards. The association of Bloggers which has been supporting and celebrating Kenyan bloggers for over 6 years is receiving the final submissions to the awards which will held at gala event on May 13th 2017.
Submissions will be followed by the Judging phase where a judges comprised of bloggers and media experts will decide on the 5 blogs that advance to the next round in all 18 categories. This will take place from March 11th to March 28th 2017. Blogs chosen will be voted for to compete in their respective categories and also the top BAKE Award. Online voting will be open to the public beginning 3rd March 2017 to May 1st 2017.
Following feedback from the blogging community, BAKE has added 3 more categories bringing the number to 23. The association has also set a rule, that disqualifies bloggers who have competed and won three times in a row so as to give opportunity to other competitors. This is to encourage new blood to join, participate, and compete in the blog awards.
To increase competition BAKE is calling for more submissions under the category of Social Issues and active citizenship. The category deals with blogs that promote better citizenship and/or social issues like gender equality and women empowerment.
It is important to note that both bloggers and their fans can submit a blog into the competition. Hurry and submit either your blog or a blog you like to the BAKE 2017 awards at http://bakeawards.co.ke/submit