Leaks have surfaced online that Microsoft is working on a new version of Windows 10. The new version of Windows 10, referred to as Windows 10 Cloud, will be locked to run apps from the Windows store ONLY.
Apparently, this is not the first time Microsoft has tried something similar. This is the same concept that was applied to Windows RT back then. This move is aimed at making the Windows 10 Cloud ecosystem the most secure. Apparently, most viruses and malware make their way into your PC when you download desktop apps which are also known as win32 apps from the web.
With no risk of side-loading apps from any an authorised places, Microsoft will be in aĀ position to ensure the security of the apps you download onĀ your PC since they have to go through the Windows store app vetting process. For now, you will be able to download UWP (Universal Windows Platform) apps and Windows 8.1 apps from the Windows store for Windows 10 Cloud.
There are mixed reports on whether Windows 10 Cloud supports project Centennial apps. Project Centennial apps are win32 apps which have been converted to UWP apps. Windows 10 Cloud will essentially be Windows 10 stripped down of the ability to run desktop apps. Apart from that, it will entail all the other features that will be introduced in the Creators Update, Windows 10 next major update, which will be released around April this year.
Though there are fears that Microsoft might not release Windows 10 Cloud at that time, but rather push it later in the year when Redstone 3 is ready for release. Given the development stage that Windows 10 Cloud is already in, it would not hurt to raise our hopes for a possible April release.
This new OSĀ is meant to compete with the Chromebooks in the budget desktop segment with a boost of security. These devices will mainly be focused for learning institutions. This is where Microsoft is taking the battle to with the introduction of the lightweight Windows 10 Cloud.
When Windows 10 Cloud is ready for release it is anticipated that it will be free. Fortunately, there are rumours that Microsoft will give you the opportunity to upgrade Windows 10 Cloud to the full Windows 10 operating system by purchasing a licence key. This will come handy for individuals who want the power to download both desktop and UWP apps as they wish.
Though Windows 10 Cloud might sound like a replica of Windows 10 Mobile, it is not. The two will run on different shells and do not forget that Windows 10 Mobile gives you the chance to side-load apps by activating the developer feature. This is how PokƩmon Go has made it to Windows 10 Mobile, unofficially.