More than three-quarters of KCSE 2016 candidates did not meet the minimum pass grade to join University

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KCSE 2016

The KCSE 2016 exam results are out. The results were released today 29th December, 2016 at an event hosted at Shimo La Tewa High School in Mombasa by the Cabinet Secretary of Education, Dr. Fred Matiangi. KCSE candidates can check their results by sending their eleven digit index number to the short code 22252. Each SMS will cost you Ksh.20. This is the same code that was used during the earlier released KCPE 2016 results. Alternatively you can head over to the knec-portal In case you encounter any difficulties you can reach KNEC through 0800724900 (toll free).

You might be surprised how the Ministry was able to achieve this in less than a month since the exams ended. We usually expect the results towards end of March. According to Dr. Matiangi, the Ministry used ICT to turn in daily results in real time. As soon as a paper was marked, the results were forwarded to the server. They had 74,810 professionals to help with marking the KCSE 2016 examination.

The breakdown of the results is as follows. Only 141 candidates managed to score a mean grade of A. In Total, 88,929 candidates out of 577,079 managed to score a mean grade of C+ and above. This is a decrease of 47.53 percent compared to the previous year’s exam. In 2015, 169,492 candidates scored the average grade of C+ and above. Focusing on this year’s exam, this means that 84.59 percent of the candidates who sat for KSCE 2016 exams have not attained the minimum qualification to join University. This is a representation of more than three-quarters of the students. In Kenya the minimum qualification to undertake a degree program is C+.

GRADE Total Candidates Cumulative Percentage
A 141 0.02%
A- 4,645 0.83%
B+ 10,975 2.73%
B 17,216 5.71%
B- 23,745 9.83%
C+ 32,207 15.41%
Total 88,929 15.41%


80 percent of the top 20 candidates were girls. Only 4 boys managed to squeeze in to the top 20 candidates nationally. All the KCSE 2016 candidates are guaranteed of receiving their results. The Ministry reports that there were no cases of irregularities whatsoever. This is in contrast to 5,100 candidates who had their results cancelled over irregularities in 2015. Candidates will from next year start using unique identifiers in place of index numbers. This unique number identifiers will be used by the student as they progress from one level of education to the next all the way to University level.

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