KRA Intercepts Foreign Currency at JIKA

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Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA) officers at Jomo Kenyatta International Airport (JKIA) have intercepted a consignment of foreign currency enroute Fuerth, Germany.

The consignment consisting of  2,350,000 Congolese Franc, Ushs. 21,200,000, 30,154 Eritrean Nakfa and 65,000 Burundian Franc packed in several denominations of notes and coins, was intercepted by Customs officers on 26th December, 2016.


The package was disguised as ‘Collectors items’ KRA and the police have launched investigations on the source of the currency and reasons for export.

Two months ago, Kenya revenue authority  intercepted fake Euro currency worth over KSh267 million packed in two suitcases concealed in  trouser lining at the Jomo Kenyatta International airport. The money was reportedly being  ferried from Nairobi to Dubai by two men  Abdi Osman (Norwegian), Mohamed Hassan Eltahir ElHassan (Sudanese).

The illegal package was in 25 bundles of average 178 notes of 500 Euro bills. The passengers were travelling to Dubai and according to the flight itinerary they were to come back to Nairobi then proceed to Mogadishu, Somalia.

Besides air travel intercepts, KRA has been on a roll intercepting contraband including powdered milk worth millions, luxury cars and new clothes.

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