Facebook will now allow you to add background colours/gradient to your posts. This new feature will only work with text-only posts. As of now the feature does not work for link, image or video posts. This will essentially enable you to define the visual background of your posts rather than use the default white background offered by Facebook.
Facebook will be pushing out the new feature to Android users over the course of the week. For now, those with Android devices will have the privilege of accessing the feature first. The good thing though, is that the background colours will be visible on Android, iOS and the web via the News Feed.
How to Apply Background Colour
- Just tap on the status bar
- Choose a colour from the choices below your text
- Alternatively, you can opt to choose a gradient
- Then go ahead and write your message
- Once you are done simply tap post
iOS and the web users will have to wait a while before the feature makes its way to these platforms. According to Facebook, iOS and the web users will be able to make their own colourful posts “in the coming months.”
Ladies and gentlemen do not be surprised when you start seeing different coloured posts in your feed. Facebook things this move will make people to start creating more original content. Original content on Facebook was on a decline as more people opted to share content on the platform rather than create new ones. There are serial-sharers out there if there is such a word. These are individuals who share everything they come across.
Do not forget that you will only be disappointed if you try to add background colours/gradient to your link, image or video posts. Background colour is only available for text-only posts.