Vine to transition the Vine app to a pared-down Vine Camera which will still allow you to make six-second looping videos

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Back in October we reported to you that Twitter was shutting down Vine. There were even allegations that Pornhub was interested in purchasing Vine. Pornhub intended to restore Vine “back to its NSFW glory,” saying that clips “of porn in six seconds is more than enough time for most people to enjoy themselves.” In a new statement from the Vine Team, the company will transition the Vine app to a pared-down Vine Camera come January 2017.

According to the company, you will still be able to make six-second looping videos via the Vine Camera. Then you will have the option to either post them directly to Twitter or save them to your phone.

“Here’s what’s coming: in January, we’re transitioning the Vine app to a pared-down Vine Camera. With this camera app you’ll still be able to make six-second looping videos, and either post them directly to Twitter or save them to your phone.”

Vine Blog

Essentially what Vine is saying is that the company is doing away with the Vine community. The only way for you to share your new vines is via Twitter or any other social media site such as Facebook.

Vine promises to make it easy for your Vine followers to find you on Twitter. In the coming days the company will introduce a “Follow on Twitter” notification to allow your make it easy for your Vine followers to follow you on Twitter.

Another welcome feature is the incorporated ability to now download your Vines through the app or the website. Initially, Vine users had the option of downloading their Vine’s in MP4 format courtesy of Giphy. But as we had reported earlier all of your Vines will continue to live on the website. As such you will continue to browse all of the amazing videos you created over the years.

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