ITU CBS-2016 symposium kicks off in Nairobi, Kenya

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In this article we informed you that the 2016 Global ICT Capacity Building Symposium (CBS-2016) will take place in Nairobi, Kenya from 6th to 8th September 2016. It is already live as we speak. The Symposium is hosted by the Communications Authority of Kenya (CA) in partnership with the Telecommunication Development Bureau (BDT) of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU). This year’s symposium is under the theme;

“Embracing Capacity Building Opportunities in the Digital Era”

The Symposium was preceded by two pre-conference events on Monday, 5th September this week. The first pre-event was dedicated to the topic “Capacity Building in Internet Governance” while the second pre-event was dedicated to the topic “Regulators as Enablers and Beneficiaries of Capacity Building”.

The ITU CBS is the main global event for capacity development in the field of Information and Communication Technology (ICT). The Symposium brings together ICT Ministers, Education Ministers, heads of national/ ICT regulatory authorities, heads of international organizations, chief executive officers of private sector companies, members of the academia and experts from around the world to discuss trends and developments in the sector and their implications for human and institutional capacity building.

This is what ITU Secretary-General, Houlin Zhao, had to say;

We live in a knowledge economy where new opportunities are emerging every day. ICTs are now at the centre of almost everything we do, and those who are empowered with digital skills and have ability and opportunity to learn and adapt will gain a significant competitive advantage. This symposium brings together key ICT and education stakeholders to discuss how emerging technologies are changing the human capacity building environment: ITU is committed to helping all its members effectively and rapidly build human ICT capacity and improve ICT skills.”

The outcomes of the Symposium will provide strategic guidance to the national and international community, including ITU, on capacity building in the field of ICT, and on strengthening collaboration among the global ICT capacity building community. This will directly contribute to the achievement of the SDGs across all development sectors. For universities and other training providers, the Symposium provides a forum to gauge the needs of the market in terms of training and capacity building in the field of ICT, and helps them shape their training and delivery programmes.

An exhibition showcasing capacity building projects across the world and best practices from academia and industry will be running for the duration of the Symposium.

Hash tags to follow on twitter: #CBS2016 #CapacityBuilding

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