Digitization of the Civil Registration Department (CRD)

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Digitization of the Civil Registration Department (CRD)

The Ministry of State for Immigration and Registration of Persons is in the process of digitizing birth and death registers in the country. They have been receiving advisory and technical aid from the ICT Authority. This is definitely not the first Ministry to do so but it is a move in the right direction.

We all remember the Ministry of Lands. Back then when it was headed by Ngilu as the Minister they also embarked on such a noble task. If you can recall clearly they had to shut down the Ministry offices for some days to focus on the task at hand. Such a sensitive Ministry resorted to cloud storage to ensure security of the manual documents and to bring credibility back to the public office.

The aim of the digitization of birth and death registers in the country was to consolidate information found in The National Population Register. Just to bring it to the limelight, the National Population Register is a national database that was created in 2008/2009. It establishes demographic records for all Kenyans aged 18 years and above in a single platform.

Aim of the Digitization Process

According to the Ministry of State for Immigration and Registration of Persons, the aim of the digitization is to see to it that:

  • There is an organized registry that will improve record storage and accessibility
  • There is improved security of manual records of births and deaths
  • There is reduced operational cost of maintaining records
  • Improve transparency and increase efficiency in the retrieval of records

By November 2015, there were 107 Civil Registration Centres where parents can register births and any family member can register deaths. The process of scanning the records is centrally managed in Nairobi and 62.5 million records have been digitized.

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