Imagine your child lost, all alone without you or any familiar faces by their side. Imagine the horror and how frightened they would be. Just the mere imagination gives one the chills. Children going missing even for split of a second is the most terrifying and antagonizing thing that could happen to a parent – but worries aside, Child Trace is here to help.
In the recent past there have been several reported cases of children missing, some successfully found and others still in the wind without any possible trace. Technology especially social media is playing a major role in helping recover the missing children through sharing pictures and possible information of the children and or even alleged abductors but this can only go a long way.
It is difficult trying to trace a child given how vast the country is and how ill equipped our law enforcement agencies are. However, Safe Kidz, an organization aimed at ensuring the safety and wellbeing of families has come up with a mobile application they are calling Child Trace that allows parents and guardians to report missing children. In liaison with specific agencies as well as law enforcement, Safe Kidz hopes to facilitate recovery of lost children through the newly launched Child Trace App.
Child Trace mobile application is so far the only of its kind in Kenya. The application allows parents to upload data of their children and has a provision for including the nanny’s data as well. A digital photo, name of the child, school they attend and the parents contacts is the only data required to create a digital file of the child.
In the event that a child goes missing, a parent with the application sends a distress message through the press of a button and the information is relayed in real time to everyone with the application, law enforcement, media as well as on the internet.
Besides reporting missing children, the application also shares safety tips for both children and parents, reports on recovered children, advises on suitable programs for kids as well as upcoming kids event. The application however has a catch, a registration fee of a 1000 shillings is required to activate it upon download. This could pose a challenge to families that cannot afford the activation fee
The application is a noble idea and will go a long way in ensuring that missing children are reunited with their loved ones and the persons responsible are apprehended. The concept of sharing safety tips will also instill skills that will help both parents and children avoid scenarios that could be harmful and even how to deal with possible abductors.
Hopefully in the near future the application will waiver the activation fee so as to make it accessible to a broader audience.