After a year and a half, Airtel Unliminet still remains the best mobile product Kenya has ever had

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When Airtel Unliminet was launched back in February 2015, Airtel Africa boasted that it was the best invention ever made by man after electricity, mobile phones and the Internet. Of course that was an extreme exaggeration, but a year and a half down the line, Airtel Unliminet has proven to be the best mobile product in Kenya’s mobile market – a fact that we at would wish to remind you of, but before we do just that, let’s take a step back and talk about your endless nagging and complains.

As Kenyans we like complaining. We complain before something is done – and immediately after it’s done. We complain about the cost of making calls (Kshs 4 per minute), the cost of data (no one really offers unlimited mobile data services), and the cost of sending text messages (Kshs 1 per SMS). “We are being robbed“, we always say .

I am not sure whether the complains stem from ignorance or from outright ignorance. Haven’t you guys heard of Airtel Unliminet? If yes, why are you still complaining about expensive voice calls? Expensive data offerings? Is there something about Unliminet that doesn’t match and surpass what the competition is offering?

Airtel Unliminet has several offers, the most recent being the Unliminet 20. In the Unliminet web page, Unliminet 20 is described as a product to give you ” daily UnlimiNet 20 pack [of] 20MB data, 8 minutes talk time to any network and 20 SMSs to any network. You also get free WhatsApp, Facebook and Twitter”. The other daily Airtel Unliminet products are the Airtel Unliminet 50 that costs Kshs 50 per day and Airtel Unliminet 100 that costs Kshs 100 daily. The various offers of the daily Airtel Unliminet products are summarized in the table below:

airtel unliminet

There are is something about the offered free WhatsApp, Facebook and Twitter that I would like to comment about; not everyone likes it. The free Facebook for instance hides photos, is slow, and discomforting to use. I wish there was a way of disabling it.

After the daily Airtel Unliminet products, your next option is the weekly Unliminet products where you have the Unliminet 250 and Unliminet 500. Under these options, you can either talk for 100 minutes, access 500 MB of data and send 500 SMSes for only Kshs 250 every week or talk for 300 minutes, access 1500 MBs of data and send 2500 text messages only at Kshs 500 every week. Just like the daily offers, the data plans also allow you to have unlimited access to Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp and Instagram at full speed and at the same time continue browsing at 256kbps as long as the Unliminet product is still valid. This table summarizes the offers nicely:

airtel unliminet

For the long term users, Airtel Uniminet has the monthly offers that are the Unliminet 500, Unliminet 1000 and Unliminet 2000. The number of minutes, data bundles and text messages available for each offer is summarized in the table below: 


airtel unliminet


If for whatever reason you are wondering why we say that Unliminet is the best mobile product that ever happened in Kenya, it is because it is the only prepaid product that allow you to make calls for only Kshs 1.67 per minute across all networks, without discrimination. In addition to that low rate of calls, the monthly Airtel 2000 also gives the user 7.5GB of data and 10,000 free SMSes. It also gets better, than that – when for whatever reason you have exhausted the 7.5GB of data, you will still be able to browse at a reasonable speed of 256kbps as long as the Unliminet 2000 remains active.

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