The 2016 Global Nutrition Report Stats-Ending Malnutrition by 2030

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Last week  The 2016 Global Nutrition Report was released and Kenya was honored to host one of the four events across the world. The event was graced by the First Lady Margret Kenyatta at Safari Park Hotel.The Global Nutrition Report emphasizes the challenges posed by the multiple forms of malnutrition. It also signals the enormous importance of investing in the critical 1,000-day window so that every girl and boy can lead a happy, healthy, and productive life. Investing in nutrition is our collective legacy for a sustainable world in 2030. You can download the report here. Meanwhile here the summarize of some of the stats covered on the report:-

  • Out of a world population of 7 Billion, about 2 Billion people suffer micronutrient malnutrition, nearly 800 million people suffer from calorie deficiency
  • Out of 5 Billion Adults Worldwide, nearly 2 Billion are overweight, one in 12 has type 2 diabetes
  • Out of 667 Million children under age 5 worldwide, 159 million are too short for their age (stunted), 50million do not weigh enough for their height (wasted), 41 million are overweight
  • Out of 129 countries with data, 57 countries have serious levels of both undernutrition and adult overweight (including obesity)
  • The annual GDP losses from low weight, poor child growth, and micronutrient deficiencies average 11 percent in Asia and Africa—greater than the loss experienced during the 2008–2010 financial crisis.
  • On the cost of malnutrition to both societies and individuals. In the United States, for example, when one person in a household is obese, the household faces additional annual health care costs equivalent to 8 percent of its annual income. In China, a diagnosis of diabetes results in an annual 16.3 percent loss of income for those with the disease.

Eight Global Nutrition Targets For 2025 adopted by the World Health Assembly

  • Achieve a 40 percent reduction in the number of children under 5 who are stunted
  • Achieve a 50 percent reduction of anemia in women of reproductive age
  • Achieve a 30 percent reduction in low birth weight
  • Experience no increase in overweight in children under 5 years
  • Increase the rate of exclusive breastfeeding in the first 6 months up to at least 50 percent
  • Reduce and maintain wasting in children under 5 at less than 5 percent

The other consists of two of the World Health Organization targets in the Global Monitoring Framework for the Prevention and Control of Noncommunicable Diseases:

  • Experience no increase in obesity and diabetes (in adults and adolescents)
  • Achieve a 30 percent reduction in average population salt intake

GDP Figures  Vs  Investments

Investing in ending malnutrition is one of the most cost-effective steps governments can take: every $1 invested in proven nutrition programs offers benefits worth $16.

  • 11 Percent of gross domestic product (GDP) is lost every year in Africa and Asia due to malnutrition. Every year, global GDP losses from malnutrition are greater that what was lost each year during the 2008-2010 financial crisis
  • In the United States, when one person in a household is obese, the household spends on average an additional 8 percent of its income in healthcare costs. In China, a diagnosis of diabetes results in annual 16.3 percent loss of income for those with the disease.
  • Nutrition-related noncommunicable diseases received only USD 50 million of donor funding in 2014, despite the fact that all noncommunicable diseases now cause 50 Percent of death and disability in low- and middle-income countries.  Of  24 low and middle income government budgets analyzed in the report, just average 2 percent of spending allocated toward reducing under-nutrition, while donor allocations to nutrition programs are stagnating at USD 1 Billion
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