Employers now want nothing to do with UoN Students after they destroyed Entertainment Equipment worth millions

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The  employment status of UoN Students has seriously been compromised by the latest events and rampages in and around town. The latest victim of destructions orchestrated by UoN students is Mo-Sound, a story I still haven’t gotten my head around till now due to the excruciating nature of how events unfolded.

UoN Students went on a frenzy Saturday night as a result of their Vice chancellor instructing them that they are no longer allowed to cook within their halls of residence. Dialogue being a forgotten virtue in generation Y, at about 11 PM, the students started breaking into the cafeteria adjacent to the graduation court.

Shortly after, close to 700 students descended on the set-up area and started dismantling entertainment equipment that belongs to Mo-Sounds. Screens, stage and all other sound equipment were destroyed. They broke chairs and tables and stole drinks and catering equipment. When they were done after about 30 minutes, they then lit fire and went away carrying their loot. The university security were nowhere in sight and frantic calls to the Kenya Police bore no fruit.

The Police informed the hired security provider that they cannot enter the university grounds. They remained around the University way roundabout. The suppliers were only able to access the grounds from 6 AM the next morning, way after the looting and destruction had taken place.

Event organizers and suppliers are now currently counting loses of over 100 million not to forget the university has not said a word to them. “As Events Organizers and suppliers to the events industry in the country, this is worrying and something needs to be done. On Saturday, Mo-Sound Events and Outdoor Occasions lost equipment valued at over KES. 100 Million. We are currently looking at various options on how to best address the situation. Our members have also engaged their legal teams and insurance on the matter.” Read a statement by Event Managers Association of Kenya.

In the meantime, the EMAK board has taken the decision and hereby instructs all its membership and the entire events service industry to stop any events planned at any of the campuses of the University of Nairobi. We shall also as an industry not supply any of our equipment to the University of Nairobi for any of their events including graduations and so have employers in Kenya!

“In view of the hooliganism exhibited by UoN students, we shall no longer be offering pupillage and employment opportunities to UoN graduates”

Is it not sad to sit in class and only lack employment because of a hype that did not last a worthy time? Apparently, companies are now keen with higher learning institutions and some of them have kindly asked UON graduates to keep their resume’. No one wants to establish their businesses and organizations only to have them taken down.

When good education all existed, the institution was meant to provide quality university education and training and to embody the aspirations of the Kenyan people and the global community through creation, preservation, integration, transmission and utilization of knowledge. Clearly that has been left in the achieves and it has been replaced by the internet that does not forget and one that is not of many chances.

Of companies and businesses that have had enough? EMAK went ahead to state “We call upon the business community in Nairobi to support our cause in this matter and to stop further business with the University of Nairobi so as to send a very strong message to the University of Nairobi, that enough is enough and it can no longer be business as usual.”

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  • kachwanya Lets not confuse ‘goons’ with UoN students.

    Sylvie_Atong May 18, 2016 12:36
  • Sylvie_Atong kachwanya very true lets distinguish what’s important from what’s urgent that is our undoing the leadership is wanting period

    corabambi May 18, 2016 13:45