Device manufacturers have turned around the specs of a coveted lifestyle when it comes to technology. Among the questions we ask while purchasing a device is the level of security. By level of security we feel safe if a device comes with a fingerprint option. When most people land themselves the latest galaxy or phantom, or even iphone, the brag most about the exclusivity of access.
Device launches today show how much the fingerprint has been hailed. Companies have improved access from use of one finger, to five fingers. Which really excites the consumer, because all you are thinking about at the time is your spouse and how they will no longer defile your privacy. The question between manufacturers today is not whether to include one, it is where to place it.
Companies have also allowed toes to be used to access phones and other technology gadgets so this way, if I did not use my thumb, you will have no idea I used by big or small toe. Angles of access have also been deemed crucial. From the normal 45 degrees, you can now be careless with how you place your finger so that the person sitting next to you is not aware of the quick move.
The access has been elevated up to 360 degrees meaning you can put the side, the front or even the tip as long as it reads.
It definitely feels safe and stress free to place your finger and gain access in milliseconds. However, this is the most insecure way of access. Have you ever thought about possibility of an institution leaking your fingerprint information? Okay, maybe you are wondering what institution. The government has your fingerprint information because it is required legally.
Stealing the print
Recently, the Ministry of Foreign affairs was hacked as part of a campaign by online activists to expose the government and corruption across Africa. The operation aimed to provide disclosure of crucial data is just an example of cyberattacks that could expose the public’s information and data meant to be confidential.
That maybe a huge way to look at how someone might just land your fingerprint and access your phone but with all the 3D printing you can never be too safe and too far from the next attack. Usually, 3D-printed molds let any fingerprint image be transformed into a working model of that print, and police in developed states have a growing number of images to choose from.
When you hear that a fingerprint is not a password, and owners cannot share it with other people, forget or eventually show to others — don’t believe it. This year researchers demonstrated how easy it is to steal a fingerprint — remotely, even without a face-to-face contact. One can do it with a quality photo of victim’s fingers. An SLR camera with a good zooming lens or even a magazine photo printed in high resolution are enough. By the way, the same method can be used to fake an iris.
Maybe another shady way to look at it is that your print could be stolen when you are asleep because there is no way you could turn off your print. Again, you can easily change a password code but the same does not apply to a fingerprint.
Fingerprint technology now extended to home access and office ware is a disaster waiting to happen and the good old password codes might be the best way to go.