This smart mattress will bust your cheating spouse

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Are you married? In a relationship? Casually dating? Or planning to make your move to that woman/man of your dream? Whichever category you belong to, there is one thing you share in common with the rest of everybody else – you ask, “Can he be trusted? Will she ever cheat on me?” The answer is near 100% or any other percentage above 50%  yes, and that’s why the Spanish company Durnet wants to make a kill with the smart mattress (smartress) that will alert you when your spouse cheats on you in your own bed.

The answer as to whether your spouse is cheating on you has a near 100% yes because according to the most recent statistics I have managed to get which was an infidelity research done by The Standard in 2013, 100% of married couples cheat. For example, in Rift Valley 76% of those interviewed said they had caught their spouses cheating, another 14% had received information that their spouses were cheating and the remaining 10% had reasons to believe that their spouses were cheating. The same trend was true for residents of Coast region.

Now that we are on the same page that your spouse is either cheating on you or is likely cheating on you, I think we both agree that you need to be excited about the smart mattress invention. The mattress is smart in that it is able to know when someone is sleeping on it, what part of the mattress he or she is sleeping on, and whether the sleeping is the normal smooth turn and turn sleep or the excited bumpy ride type of sleep.

The smart mattress has several vibration detectors embedded in the bed springs together with contact zone detectors that are connected to your smartphones. The two types of detectors will be ready to warn you when anyone uses your bed in suspicious ways by sending you a text message. The message will contain details of how fast the users are moving up and down, the intensity of the movement (in percentage), the impacts per minute the movements are creating, and the pressure points those movements are emanating from. According to this promo video for the smart mattress, the smart mattress assures you peace of mind by the statement, “If your partner is not faithful, your mattress is”.

But, which partner will be so dumb as to cheat on his or her spouse on a mattress she/he already knows is smart?

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