We do not own data: Stop burning mobile phones and tablets

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The exam cheating menace has been a big shock to me, not that I am unaware this has been going on for years, but because I did not know it was such a booming business. A business big enough to feed my village and buy me a nice car.

It has unfolded like a movie in the last 2 days and even if it is an exciting revelation for the audience, my heart goes out to the parents who had to part with ksh5,000 for the sake of good grades. North Eastern, a county that has been known for looming poverty and lack, the teachers must have been  manipulative enough to have them cough a whopping 5,000…or else deal with your looser kid.

What mesmerizes me the most though is the method of killing evidence…burning mobile phones and tablets after exchanging exam papers on Whats App and making M-Pesa transactions.  According to the Mastermind, burning the gadgets was the sure way they would never be traced, neither would the whatsapp messages and M-Pesa transactions. It would have been better if they suggested to burn Safaricom servers or something close to smart.

Our people forget that we no longer own information whether it comes from you or not. Technology is the best thing man invented but with it went exclusivity, ownership and MY DATA…and there is not much we can do about that.

This same technology has led to the leak on exam cheating after executors were traced through mobile phones. Whatsapp groups formed during the national teachers strike for the purpose of sharing information were used to circulate exam papers among teachers.

The students who were also involved in the circulating of this very exam connected through a Whatsapp group that incorporated students from major schools most of this being National schools. Mang’u, Starehe and Maryhill are just a few on the list.

The exam that was shared in cahoot with the police also puts the forces in bad light considering they are depended on matters security during national exam sitting. Everyone from the invigilators to top police officers per-took of the irregularity plate. However, they played their game within the same grounds; the internet that never forgets.

like it would be sane to do, responsible authorities put together a list of 5,000 students whose  results  were cancelled owing to irregularities…Typical Kenya and its formalities. The matter may seem light but it qualifies for a national disaster. That the government is against itself is outright clear.

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