Safaricom has partnered with flytxt a consumer analytics solution provider for enterprises in a bid to improve engagement with customers throughout their lifecycles.
“We continuously work to better understand our customers so that we are able to streamline our services and offer the best possible solution,” said Sylvia Mulinge, Director- Consumer Business, Safaricom.
The new development is in line with telecommunication companies opting for technology tools to enhance customer relationship in efforts to also improve efficiency when dealing with customers.
The growth of these companies adds to the country’s revenue and increasing employment. According to deloitte, African mobile telecoms have witnessed massive growth over the last decade; subscriptions CAGR reached 42% during 2006-08 and 21% 2009-11. From 2011, the trend continues to increase each year hence increasing the necessity of coming up with improvised systems.
In 2014, Vodacom Mozambique partnered with Flytxt to improve its revenue and customer experience through analysis of customer behavior and extension of next best offers to its subscribers in real-time.
Safaricom on the other end has more than 20 million subscribers with numerous products voice, data, mobile money and enterprise segments and partnership is very important since it will lead to growth and enhancing a strong bond Vodacom.
Flytxt generates insights and recommendations from varied data feeds within the CSP’s network and IT systems in addition to transforming them to real-time marketing actions and decisions for creating economic value across business workflows.
“I am delighted that Safaricom has chosen Flytxt. With this partnership our relationship with the Vodafone group deepens further, said, Hetarth Patel, Senior Vice President-Global Sales, Flytxt. Flytxt has already demonstrated impressive results in its earlier deployments in the group. I am confident that this partnership will continue the trend and produce significant economic impact for Safaricom.”