Twitter determined to fight violent tweets

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Terrorists are using social media to do their customer service and human resource work. For example, Twitter is used by many terrorists across the world; Isis and Al Shabaab are the common militia groups targeting vulnerable social media users.

Twitter said that since the middle of the year it has suspended more than 125,000 accounts with suspected links to the terrorist group Islamic State. Twitter has increased the size of its teams reviewing reports of accounts connected to extremism.

“Like most people around the world, we are horrified by the atrocities perpetrated by extremist groups. We condemn the use of Twitter to promote terrorism and the Twitter Rules make it clear that this type of behavior, or any violent threat, is not permitted on our service.

As the nature of the terrorist threat has changed, so has our ongoing work in this area. Since the middle of 2015 alone, we’ve suspended over 125,000 accounts for threatening or promoting terrorist acts, primarily related to ISIS.” Twitter wrote on their blog.

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The tech company has doubled its team that reviews reports and going through malicious tweeter accounts. Other social networks like Facebook and YouTube are also fighting hate speech and other vices that could lead to negative propaganda in a particular country. Ordinarily, Islamic State and other radicals have found social networks to be fertile recruiting grounds.

Many people believe Twitter’s move is a positive development and everybody across the world should come together and fight terrorism.

Two months ago, Obama said,” I will urge high-tech and law enforcement leaders to make it harder for terrorists to use technology to escape from justice.”

Twitter has partnered with other international organizations like People Against Violent Extremism (PAVE) and the Institute for Strategic Dialogue to counter extremist content online.

“As many experts and other companies have noted, there is no “magic algorithm” for identifying terrorist content on the internet, so global online platforms are forced to make challenging judgement calls based on very limited information and guidance. In spite of these challenges, we will continue to aggressively enforce our Rules in this area, and engage with authorities and other relevant organizations to find solutions to this critical issue and promote powerful counter-speech narratives.” Twitter wrote.

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