A developer absent in Intel Developer Zone is behind peers

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Things change, but there is nowhere that change is real as in the tech world, and more so in the software component of tech. If the hardware component is changing by a factor of two every 18 months, then the software world changes at twice the pace. This is so because every few months a new programming tool and software development kit surfaces to refine how applications interact with the existing hardware, a situation that creates a huge challenge to all software developers who must catch up to remain relevant. This is why every developer needs to be part of a developer community to keep pace with the changes and also to share and interact with one another to expand their knowledge base; and that’s why Intel Developer Zone is important.

A software developer is not the type of guy who has the flexibility to ask for a study break, but he is that guy who must remain on toes to sharpen his/her skills with existing development tools and resources while at the same time acquiring new skills and learning the rules of coding with the latest language. Although it is agreeable that no person can learn all there is to learn, an expert in any particular field must however be skilled to use all the main and popular tools in that field. A surgeon unable to use the most advanced surgery technology cannot pride him/herself as the best.

In the software development world especially the subset of mobile apps and IoT applications, the place where a developer can both obtain the latest resources and tools while at the same time be able to sharpen his/her skills is in the Intel Developer Zone. Intel Developer Zone offers developers three main learning instruments with which they can sharpen their skills, broaden their knowledge and interact with fellow developers. The first learning instrument is the Intel Developer Challenge, the second being the Intel Developer Resources then finally the third instrument is the Intel Developer Community.

The Intel Developer Challenge is a skills sharpening portal that allows developers to challenge themselves through participating in some of the available challenges. For instance, a developer can take a challenge on “Adding native Capability to Android using Eclipse IDE” where the developer will be required to extract and install an archived NDK toolchain for the developer’s platforms, use C++ to compile an application, then upload screen shots of the application to show that the build was successful in all architectures.

Once the challenge is successfully completed, the developer will be rewarded 100 points. Different challenges have different points, and a developer can use the points to redeem some of the Intel Developer Zone prizes. Some of the prizes to be won (most of which were sold out by the time of compiling this article) are Asus Fonepads for 450 points, Intel 15 inch laptop bag for 400 points down to items like Intel recycled notebook for 40 points.

Intel Developer Zone offers numerous developer resources that include Android Developer tools and resources, IoT tools and resources, and Realsense tools and resources. When a developer heads to Android Developer tools for instance, he/she will be able to access numerous learning materials right from the beginner level to advanced stages, use some of Intel’s developer tools such as Intel XDK, the Intel Mobile Dev Kit, or the Intel System Studio, and many others available at the software.intel.com/en-us/android/tools portal. A developer can also buy some of the developer devices that can be found at the devices section.

Intel Developer Zone also offers developers the opportunity to interact with other developers in the same field, or the opportunity to learn new tricks, developments and skills available across the various sub-sectors in the software development ecosystem. Today the tech world is moving towards Internet of Things (IoT) and developing apps for this emerging industry is very crucial. That’s why Intel Developer Zone has taken the industry seriously and is releasing on a daily basis tools and resources to help developers follow a smooth path in coming up with functioning smooth applications.

The speed with which Intel Developer Zone creates new tools to match the developments in the tech industry makes it a preferred zone for every serious developer. Any developer interested in keeping pace with the fast changes of the programming environment needs to join Intel Developer Zone to avoid a scenario where he/she is unable to develop for any emergent technologies.

To join your fellow developers in the Intel Developer Zone, simply follow this link and sign up. Once inside, you will immediately be able to access the several Challenges, Resources and be able to join the Community. I wish you all the best in your challenging career as a developer.



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