Technology start-ups are flourishing in Africa and investors are flocking the continent to invest in them. So should every tech blog be about start-ups? Yes. The media is the only platform that will be able to directly review and market these start-ups within and without.
The country has many universities that offer tech related courses like Information Technology and Computer Science. However, these universities do not provide the proper schemes where their graduates can be absorbed or bid for a job. In most cases, graduates always end up starting their own businesses which require support.
A report done by WTM Global Trends Report 2015, in association with Euromonitor International, revealed technology start-ups are flourishing across Africa which is helping to boost the economy and offer a fresh image to international tourists. If a start-up is able to attract international investors, that means we have the potential to come up with ground breaking innovations that will out compete the already established start-ups like Uber.
The World Bank provides that, over half of the countries in Africa now have at least one tech hub with investments in these tech hubs doubling last year, reaching US$27 million. Few months ago, President Obama visited the country and promised to support Kenyan inventors and entrepreneurs. Obama has his foot on the ground fighting for the involvement of women and the minorities in the technology industry.
Currently, Africa has Silicon Valleys in making, like the Hope City in Ghana and the Konza Technology City in Kenya. These hubs call for support from different investors across the world.
Many industries will grow if Silicon Valleys and other tech oriented establishments are prioritized in the growing African economy. Ideally, the transport sector will shoulder huge profits from technology start-ups that have domestic, regional and international business travels. The report provides business air arrivals are expected to post a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 5% for South Africa and 6% for Kenya over 2014-2019, according to Euromonitor International.
Essentially, the tech hubs and great ideas will attract tourists from different parts of the world. “The growing technology sector in Africa is helping to expand the travel industry. Easier online discovery combined with growing consumer confidence in online bookings has made it extremely straightforward for us to cater directly to travellers’ needs.” Mark Essien, CEO, said.
“The introduction of technology hubs in Africa can have a massive knock-on effect for the whole continent. Not only do they provide a huge increase of jobs and boost economy but it benefits the whole travel industry with increased flights and hotel bookings.” World Travel Market, Senior Director, Simon Press said.
“With technology start-ups flourishing across the continent, Africa is entering a new era of innovation leading to greater economic and social benefits. The technology start-ups will also help change the perception of the continent to international tourists.” Caroline Bremner, Head of Travel at Euromonitor International, added.