Why Angani Limited Should Compensate their Suffering Clients

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In the last nine months or so we have been hosting the BAKE digital services with Angani Limited. Angani provides local hosting services which makes it more ideal for the sites targeting local audience. Within that period things have been working very well. In my mind, I thought Angani was becoming a model on how to run start-ups in Kenya and I had included it on one of the innovations that Kenyans need to start talking about instead of the now tired Mpesa and Ushahidi stories.

But then a few weeks ago we started experiencing issues with Angani services. The issue of the limited resources which by the way, in the normal times could be sorted out easily with the contact person whom we have been working with. Then the frequencies of the technical problems increased. Last Friday, the Server was down, but we got the warning after it had been down for some time, for another downtime. The warning did not point out the downtime we were facing at the time. Now that was strange to me, so I started to investigate what is going on with Angani. That is when I found out that the CEO had been thrown out and the matter had been taken to court. The more I tried to find out more information about this issue , the more it became apparent to me that services were down due to the infighting between the two factions within the Angani Management team. Now this why I am annoyed with the whole situation. If you are hosting with Angani then you should know that downtime is probably caused by the wrangles and not something which is beyond their control.

Angani was started by two guys. One person with the big vision of the local hosting services and the other one with the technical know-how on how to build the system. They brought in a third person whom they considered to have experience and expertise on the cloud computing issues. Together they worked hard to build the business. Having a clear vision and a team that from outside looked very competent, the investors came on board.. Well, that is the end of the rosy partā€¦ Now the information I have is that the so called investors might be vultures and not the great people you would want to have in your company.

Investors or just vulturesā€¦that is the big question!

The information I have is that the third person teamed up with the so called investors and managed to throw out the original two founders. One of whom is the current CEO. The two original Founders did not hand in the details of the system after they were thrown out by the investorsā€™ team. Then the Investorā€™s team brought in the consultant to hack the system, so that they can gain the normal access to the system. The hackers were partially successful but in the process the whole system went down. Having realized that, they panicked but quickly sent out the warnings to their clients that there is a scheduled maintenance. Somehow the services were back up after sometime. Today, they were at it again and again the whole system went down. Now, I feel this is very bad, and once Angani people are through with their infighting, they should compensate their clients for the downtime. In between they should see the sense that they have f&*ked up the people who trusted them and hosted their services with them ā€¦.I will continue looking for more information

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