The most hectic errand or duty in the city is house hunting. Most people manage to bluff there way through life in the name of house agents. Nairobi has fake agents who are always ready to steal honesty and money. I have been a victim and I can testify – it’s horrible. One fine weekend I decided to undertake a house hunting escapade in Rongai. Honestly, that town has amazing apartments, well, some places. However, a good place comes at a price.
I was minding my own business trying to admire the incredible structures that caught my attention. A short guy in a shinny suit approached me. I thought it’s one of those Jehovah’s Witnesses pastors. “Are looking for a house?” He asked. “Yes, an executive bed-sitter.” I thought the guy had some artificial intelligence. How did he read my mind? Through word of mouth he led me through his CV. The guy seemed honest and experienced so I gave in.
“You have to pay a deposit of Sh500 before I show you the house, another Sh500 for seeing the house and if you like it, you’ll add Sh500 to the Sh1000.” The guy was confident as the figures rolled down his tongue. “Where will I get Sh1500 to pay this stranger?” The thoughts ran through my mind. In my pocket I had Sh200 acting as my bus ticket back home. I tried to negotiate with him but he couldn’t change his mind.
However, thanks to Kejahunt, you can now relax at home and delegate the hunt to someone else. KejaHunt offers the best house hunting solution in Kenya focused in making house search experiences easy, credible and convenient. The online platform is for every Kenyan whether high profiled or low profiled. The company wants to breakdown the hectic house hunting nightmares for you.
Kenya has a good number of online platforms that offer house hunting solutions. A good example is, the major question that drives people to a better company is the ease and flexibility of the agents on the ground. KejaHunt has received positive feedback from the people they have served. I have used their services and they are incredible, believe you me.
“In the year 2015 KejaHunt shifted to providing custom searches for home seekers by taking up the users specifications on their ideal house and going out there to get them options going by their specifications. This way the home seeker can go on with their daily lives as we did the ground-work for them at a small fee. Currently KejaHunt has 6500 registered users and still counting.” Piero Muguna said.
The company has received a number of awards in Housing and Urbanization. The most recent award was the ICT INNOVATIONS AWARDS 2015. Basically, KejaHunt offers an online house hunting solution that allows the home seeker to state their location of interest, the type of house they are looking to accommodate and the budget they are willing to work with matters concerning the rent. All this is done from the comfort of the home seeker and at their own convenience.
Are you looking for a house? Visit Kejahunt, the best house hunting platform in Kenya.
Just want to mention that I have always relied on your website for upto date local IT news.
However, today you hit a new low by recommending the Kejahunt website.
went through the four steps of registration but when I started clicking
on the houses on offer, I noticed that two files were presenting for
One was:
second one permitted itself to self-download and opened three instances
of my chrome browser (please note that I was using firefox). It then
opened about 14 command prompt windows with gibberish text which I’m now
sure contained some code because my computer crashed thereafter.
Thats when, believe it or not, Kejahunt called my line from 0721438979, I simply told them to eff off.
Did you even test the site before you recommended it?????
Thats a new low. And you have also lost me as a subscriber. They have my number in case you need details.
Its been nice knowing you (not so nice now).Steve.