iPhone 6s And iPhone 6s Plus Are Shutting Down

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Apple makes classy phones but how reliable are they? Owning an iPhone is like dating a girl in Nairobi. You have to take good care of it and spend too much. Remember, if the phone breaks you might be forced to dump it. Three months ago we featured an article where a new iPhone exploded.

This week, owners of the iPhone 6s claimed that their phones are turning off at random, even if they are fully charged. The issues were reported on Apple Forums and Reddit. Users said when this happens, the phone requires a hard reset – holding down the power and home button for 10 seconds – for it to restart. Some users also reported their home button feels warm to the touch when trying to revive their phones

Apparently, some older iPhone models are also affected. This suggests it may be a software bug, with users of iOS 9.0.1 – an update to iOS 9 that was released last week – appearing to be most affected.

Also read:Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge+ and iPhone 6S Plus Head To Head

Here are some of the posts that were written on Apple Support Communities:

“Its the new iphone 6s  128GB and i just use it for about 5 days and it turned off not because it was out of battery.”Olive wrote.

“Same issue here!new Phone 6s 128GB turned off for no reason the last two nights. In the morning you then have to push the power-on button for a long time to get it started.:-(” Joachim Frey wrote.

“Same issue here on 6S+, only happened once. my alarm went off in the AM, I tapped snooze and then the phone was unresponsive and I couldn’t get it to come back, thankfully I didn’t oversleep but I was surprised when no second alarm didn’t sound… Even holding down buttons didn’t work for a bit. eventually it came back up after third attempt to hold down both buttons for 10 seconds. I’ll note I’m running latest 9.1 public Beta 2.” Kring 101 wrote.

“Same issue here iPhone 6S 64GB. I’ve had my phone since Friday and it has powered off/refused to come out of sleep at least once a day since. I set mine up from scratch so I at least know its not a problem stemming from an iCloud backup. I contacted Apple and they are sending me to my local Apple Store to have it examined/replaced.” Todd Sizemore wrote.

It’s not clear whether the problem is related to the hardware, the software or both.





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