How many letters have been sent this financial year? Well, around 59.4 Million

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The fact that people still send letters, makes me believe that some communities are using smoke and drums to communicate. The total number of letters sent throughout the financial year increased by 0.6 per cent to record 59.4 million up from 59.1 million letters sent during the previous year. In addition, the number of letters posted locally for postal and courier sub-sector decreased by 6.3 per cent to register 15.6 million letters up from 16.7 million letters recorded in the last statistics released by the Communications Authority of Kenya. How many letters have been sent? More than 55 million.

Communications Authority of Kenya reports that, the postal and courier sub-sector experienced an increase in the volume of letters sent and the courier sub-sector demonstrated an increase in the number of outlets. The number of letters sent and received both locally and internationally is likely to reduce considering the increased use of mobile phones and the increasing use of social media platforms.

The number of courier items sent decreased by 8.7 percent during the period to record 314,272 items from 344,222 items recorded in the last quarter. At the same time, the items sent during the FY 2014/15 were registered at 2.5 million compared to 2.6million in the previous year.

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The number of letters received from other the countries dropped by 9.5 percent to stand at 2.2 million during the quarter under review. Similarly, the volume of letters received during the 2014/15 financial year decreased by 1.6 percent to record 9.5 million letters.

Letters going out of the country dropped by 41.1 percent to reach 1.3 million during the quarter. However, the Financial Year 2014/15 posted a significant increase of 40.4 per cent to register 5.2 million letters up from 3.7 million letters sent in the previous year.

The number of postal outlets operators increased marginally to 623 during the quarter from 622 recorded in the previous quarter. The number of private courier outlets recorded a sharp increase of 168.7 per cent to record 2117 outlets in the quarter under review up from 788 recorded in the previous quarter. This is as result of the entry of new licensees and expansion to new towns by existing licensees.

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During the year 2014, the total revenues recorded by the postal and courier sector grew by 20.4 percent to post 8.5billion shillings compared to 7.1billion posted in the FY 2013/14. The total investments experienced a decline of 23.5 percent during the year 2014 to record 397 million Kenya Shillings down from 519 million shillings recorded in 2013. Well, how many letters have been sent? You already know the answer.

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