Important points to consider when buying a printer that best fits your business, organization and proffession

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A printer is one of the essential machines in the office space. Every organization is aware of the need to have a printer or multiple printers in the office. However, buying a printer is not pre-meditated and as a matter of fact, the cheaper the machine the better for many.

What do you look for when you are buying a printer? Is it the Ink Tank System (ITS)? Is it the printing capacity? Is it the popularity? Or again the price? Some of the things organizations are far from considering is usability, connectivity and the diversity of the printer. Before buying a printer, it is always important to understand your requirements.

What is the activity?

For example, If you only need to print out words only, you will need to get a black and white printer. If you will need to duplicate everything, a color printer with a copy feature. Requirements will vary with the kind of organization and the amount of paper work involved. In most cases, you will be safe to have a color all in one printer if the activity involves a blend of everything.


Most businesses and organizations need fast printers to save on time spend at the printing area and in this case looking at the most common types laser printer and ink-jet printer, a big business or company will need a laser or LED printer. The printers are perfect in word printing but not so much on color in case you get a color printer. Even though technology today has turned around the ink-jet printer’s speed, most lasers and LED in the middle range continue to be most convenient for heavy duty.

Saving Cost

Depending on the company’s printing activity, most laser printers are considered economy friendly for businesses and organizations big on printing. Ink jet printers use almost 20 times more watts printing as compared to laser printers. Businesses will save a tangible amount of money by using a laser or LED printers due to heavy duty printing. Also, the printers come with a high capacity input trays for printing sheets.


For designers, photographers, property business as well as any company dealing with heavy photo print outs, an Ink Jet printer will be best due to its capability to blend colors smoothly by creating subtle shadings and contours. Also, the printer can use fancy cotton or textured material. Ink Jet printers are easy to maintain and some of them are easily potable making it easier for individuals.


As the years go by, the printer talk is changing thanks to the new day technology. The gap difference is closing and usability getting better and convenient according to printer of choice which depends on the organization. Some of the latest ink jet printers are catching up on speed and printing capacity not to forget connectivity that includes connecting mobile gadgets like the phones and tablets.

In an open office where individuals need to print often, Wi-Fi enabled printers work best for them. Also, the latest printers today are inclusive of the cloud printing feature which means persons can still print even when they are not in the physical vicinity of the printer. The Ink tank System is the other upgrade printers continue to get over time which is replacing cartridges with external ink tanks.  At the end of the day, a company, business or individual will have to work with a budget to get a printer. The important thing will only be considering the highlighted pointers for it to work best for them.





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