Safaricom launches Business Journalism program to deliver mainstream media from social media influences

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The media landscape has been occasioned by the impact of social media therefore making a hard impact on audiences who now depend more on social media than the mainstream media forcing the fourth estate to restructure and re-strategize on news delivery.

With a rising change in preferred news topics by the audience, media houses have automatically had to take reporting a notch higher. For instance, the audience of today prefers to read and hear about economic development than they do political reports which is why Safaricom has taken the initiative to roll out  the second edition of  “Business Journalism programme” with an aim of changing the perspective of the business journalist.

The eight month mid-career program will  give selected business journalists the opportunity to train alongside Kenya’s leading business lecturers and some of the top corporate news makers in the region.

Business Journalism course 2015

Last year, 12 fellows from the 1st edition graduated from the programme. The course that also has its eye on changing the counties’ fortunes by improving the quality of reporting on their various potential will see the admission of 15 most promising applicants. The successful applicants will be taken through three modules, with each module requiring four days of intensive training with some of the most respected minds in the business world.

Just like the other edition, the programme will centre on financial reporting with focus topics this year being: economic analysis, business strategy and financial analysis, big data and cyber security.

The experiential learning and mentoring programme will also include half-day workshops spread over eight months as well as exclusive guest speaker dinner events where the journalists will enjoy opportunities to learn from and network with mentors and business leaders.

During the eight month duration of the programme the journalists will be expected to finish a 30-hour credit course before they can graduate.



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