Revenge Porn Hacker faces seven years imprisonment

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Hackers always have the pleasure of going home free men or securing their identity from being disclosed. In Russia a hacker was defeated in a bargain scam which is unfortunate but many instances hackers always play safe, good examples include the guys who hacked the U.S. Agency or the hackers who hacked the password storing company. It takes courage to hack such institutions.

It was a bad day for Charlie Evens after he hacked social network platforms and victimized people. The man is now facing seven years in prison. He pleaded guilty to hacking into the email accounts of hundreds of women to steal and resell their naked pictures.

The act is growing very fast where people post nude pictures of others without getting their consent. This online harassment is called ‘Revenge Porn.’ Many innocent ladies have fallen victim of the act where after breaking up with men there photos end up online and if they fall in the hands of a blogger or hacker they trend in every social media.

Evens confessed on Wednesday before United States District Judge Dolly M. Gee in California. When Evens was 23, he was hired by Hunter Moore, who is known as the “king of revenge porn” to steal naked photos of women. Moore would pay Evens for the pictures and post them on his now defunct site, In February, Moore pleaded guilty to the same two felony charges — federal computer crime and identity theft. Reports CNN.

“I did it for money, it makes me sound like a monster,” Evens said. Evens said he met Moore after hacking him, he didn’t even know who Moore was at that time. “He contacted me saying that he’d pay me to hack for him,” he said.

After Evens was given that offer he accepted it and started steeling nude women photos to make money. Evens was out of rehab and had no job to help him out with daily activities. Evens was a heavy drinker before he went to rehab and that made him loose his job.

Evens was making between $500 and $1,000 a week by just stealing photos which is equivalent to 50,000 and 100,000 Kenyan money. That is the best kind of theft but Evens had a negative attitude towards the job. He said,”You have to do all these mental gymnastics to be able to live with yourself.” After hacking into a victim’s Facebook or e-mail account, he would carry on with his normal life and go party with friends.

Evens is terrified by the fact that if he gets out of prison he wont be able to face his victims openly because of the embarrassment he caused them.  Evens will face a maximum of seven years in federal prison, and a mandatory two-year term for identity theft. Evens’ sentence is expected to take place from November 16.


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