“Empowering people Award 2015” to launch online 1st July

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Siemens Stiftung Organization is looking to identify simple yet intelligent technological solutions to sustainably improve lives of people in developing countries in a competition- ‘Empowering People Award 2015’.

The award to be officially launched in Munich, German will launch live at 4 pm (CET) not to close out on any potentials. Following the first round in 2012/2013, the Award is again on the lookout for appropriate technologies to improve basic supply in crucial areas.

Inventors and social entrepreneurs are called upon to submit their simple tech innovations and related business strategies in eight categories; water & waste water, Energy, Food & Agriculture, Waste Management, Sheltering, Healthcare, Education and Information & Communication.

The Empowering People Award seeks out creative inventors and passionate entrepreneurs whose work seeks to improve the living conditions for many people. Through identifying those seeking solutions Siemans Stiftung wants to make them more accessible, well-known and widely implemented.

Siemens Stiftung has since the last contest, developed a comprehensive and growing solutions Database showcasing the most promising innovations. Putting such inventions in an international spotlight, making their social impact potential visible fosters a climate of cooperation between developer and user on the ground. As members of the “empowering people.Network” the showcased projects are also supported through virtual and regional workshops, training and coaching.

The “empowering people. Award” 2012 saw a total of 23 winners honored on October 30th, 2013 at the Award ceremony in Nairobi, Kenya. The winning solutions greatly helped to sustainably improve living conditions in developing countries by enabling people to independently better their supply of basic needs

Application Submission

The Application submission period that starts on 1st July through to 30th November 2015 will eventually see ideas awarded with the 1st prize-winner with a sum of 50,000 EUR. The second prize is valued at 30,000 EUR, the third at 20,000 EUR and a further 5,000 EUR will be awarded to 20 runners up. A Community Prize will also be awarded with a prize of hardware to the value of 5,000 Euro.

The winners will further receive promotion on an international scale with global public relations activities ensuring wide visibility. They will become members of an international Network that offers essential support, valuable know-how, helpful insights and connections.

Empowering people 2015 is a global call out to engineers and developers to submit their practical innovations that contribute to improve living conditions and can be implemented in entrepreneurial model.


Entries will be evaluated according to:

– Potential of project to help solve basic supply problems

– Technical feasibility with regard to resources at hand, functionality and reliability in local conditions

– (Social) Business concept regarding job creation and replicability

– Financial sustainability potential

– Environmental performance


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