Online shopping picks up fast in Kenya as Jumia ranks top website

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As of late last year, Kenya had more than 16 million internet users, having a 16% growth in one year and a user growth of over two million, not to mention a 36.70% population with internet, whose population share in world population is 0.63% and internet share is 0.57%.  Today, internet users have increased tenfold with mobile broadband use increasing by day.

As a result, online shopping has registered rapid growth with Kenyans opting for the platform to the normal shopping tendencies. This has led to the sprout of more shopping platforms online giving consumers an upper hand in the business since they can look at a wide range of products at the comfort of their homes or offices and even on the go.

Online shopping has a handful of advantages compared to traditional ways of shopping. Shops in the online world don’t close, there is a lot of information about a product a consumer may want to buy as opposed to shopping by yourself, as a seller, the shop has unlimited space of goods and services you can sell and lastly, location is also not limited to the consumer as one can shop across countries and continents.

OLX Kenya has for the longest time been the default online classifieds site in Kenya probably because of its double edged spec that accommodates both buyers and sellers. It is still a big site in the industry but Jumia, an online shopping platform with a variety of products from accessory, footwear, clothes to electronics which has been embraced fully by Kenyans. As of now, the site is the leading E-Commerce platform in the country.

Jumia Kenya is the most visited website in Kenya according to June26th 2015 alexa rankings. Jumia has beaten standard and Daily Nation media who have dominated the top position.

Below are the top 10 Kenyan websites according to June 26th 2015  rankings.

1.Jumia Kenya





6.Olx Kenya




Jumia Kenya is part of the Africa Internet Group. The group is the largest, fastest and most successful African internet group. It is currently operating 9 ventures, all of which have already acquired leading positions. Among these 9 ventures, six are already in Kenya: Jumia, Lamudi, KaymuEasy Taxi ,Jovago and Hellofood.


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