The creepy Facebook facial recognition algorithm can identify you without looking at your face

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Normally you have to see a person in order to identify them but technologically Facebook can identify a person by their shape, hairdo, pose a.t.c. This is not only freaky but also creepy.

Yann LeCun, head of artificial intelligence at Facebook, said the company managed to tweakĀ its algorithms to be more human-like than ever. You and I might be able to recognize a person based on certain visual cues, even if their face isnā€™t visible, so why canā€™t software?

ā€œThere are a lot of cues we use,ā€ LeCun explained. ā€œPeople have characteristic aspects, even if you look at them from the back. For example, you can recognize Mark Zuckerberg very easily, because he always wears a gray T-shirt.ā€

Facebook says after culling through 40,000 photos on Flickrā€”some faces were visible, some faces were notā€”its technology was 83-percent accurate, which is astounding. The new advancements in recognition is ostensibly for identifying people for apps like Moments, though who knows how Facebook plans to utilize its superhuman technology reports TechnoBuffalo.

Even if youā€™re purposely hiding your face, the improved Facebook facial recognition algorithm will know who you are, whether your like it or not. Not that you have much anonymity on such a big social network to begin with. But itā€™s still a little unnerving to know how advanced Facebookā€™sĀ technology has become.

One week ago Facebook introduced an app called Moments App that is powered by artificial intelligence. Moments app uses facial recognition technology, which was developed by Facebookā€™s Artificial Intelligence Research (FAIR) lab, a group of 50 researchers led by Yan LeCun, an expert in a type of machine learning called deep learning. Their techniques are being used for voice recognition, natural language processing, and detecting faces and objects in images. The App scans images for faces and matches them to your Facebook friends. You can then share the photos, which are grouped by occasion, directly with those people through the app. Itā€™s a neat trick and a fun tool for sharing group photos. It also happens to be a window into Facebookā€™s ambitious push into artificial intelligence.

Technology innovations being implemented will lead to Ray Kurzweil’s predictions that humans and computer will become hybrids by around 2030 where brains will be able to connect directly to the cloud where there will be thousands of computers and those computers will increase our existing intelligence. He said the brain will connect via nanobots ā€” tiny robots made from DNA strands.

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