Its important to note that creating innovative solutions is a continuous process. it is through sharing with like minds that one continues to refine an idea or solution. This is according to Sam Gichuru, CEO and founder of Nailab startup incubator.
The dynamism of technology today is not only tied to gadgets and machinery but also ideological technology. innovators, developers and entrepreneurs in the tech scene have also grown to be a big part of the society. This is why there is need to tame this ideas and actualize them to fit into the needs of the common men. Ideas are not seasonal, which is why Nailab startup incubator and accelerator has changed tactic in adopting technology ideas.
After three months of handpicking startups, the incubator has announced a call to the general public to apply for the incubation program after which the accelerator will close briefly on 12th June to allow assess of applications by the judges.
Nailab previously enrolled only two batches yearly.With the new strategy in place, the facility will henceforth enroll 4 batches in a year with each cycle feeding into the previous to share market and product development experiences. Season 6 startups will therefore join the facility beginning of July through to September. startups will join the program every three months with each cohort going for the full 6 months of incubation in the program.
This weeks application process will culminate with an “Open Pitch Friday” where various startups and business entreprises will be called in to pitch their concepts to the Nailab crew and from those invited a shortlist will also be created as potential startups for the incubation. The open pitch arena will help entrepreneurs to critically analyze the solutions they intend to provide and maximize the best offering with the development of their prototypes.
Since 2011, Nailab incubator has seen through 40 startups across different sectors with 2 of its startups as a result getting absorbed by leading corporates and 1 joining a leading accelerator in the silicon valley; home to many of the world’s largest high-tech corporations. Through a partnership with Information Communication and Technology Authority (ICTA), Nailab seeks to support more than 30 startups by 2016.
As a leader in the incubation space, Nailab will also catalyze startups growth through the “Enterprise Kenya” initiative which will see many local startups access global markets for trade and also create opportunities for local procurement processes.
To apply go to