Quit editing your Facebook posts! Original post still available to readers

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Facebook posts are usually put up under different influences. That light bulb moment when you just figured a philosophy pertaining a certain debate either online or a current affair you wish to address, feeling educative and inspired, that day you wake up cranky and you just want to whine and facebook is the first platform you find fit to vent and most commonly among many is that drunk post you run to edit first thing in the morning.

Unlike many social media platforms, Facebook gives you a chance to rethink your post and correct what needs to be corrected. In that same breathe, this social media platform makes your edit history visible to readers which is not a very good thing owing to our earlier discussed influences.

Facebook users probably feel content after editing a post they have rethought and gotten over and done with not knowing readers can still look at the un-edited post. It makes no difference and looking at the repercussions the edit history has to account holders, the social media platform loses a bit on privacy.

I would assume Facebook does this for accountability reasons. See when you post an insulting post about Lupita Nyong’o (like one I came across) then an hour later decide to put colons, semi-colons and synonyms to make the post sound sober, the world has the original and the revised version of your sentiments.

Facebook therefore holds you accountable to a post in case you choose to turn words around. However much this might be damage control, it is not fair for the users who only mean genuine edit. We all make spelling mistakes we wish no one saw, you could even go wrong on an obvious issue say a person who holds a certain office or a state located in some continent. Just a simple mistake that needs a quick edit.

Instead of having to live by Facebook’s rules, the only way to go about the edit history is by reposting the status. In case you need to use those same words but just a sentence or two, copying the old post and completely deleting it then pasting to edit before hitting post will be best for you.

Here is an example of an edit history from Facebook; all original and revised versions;




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