Passwords are outdated, says Fernando Corbató, the man credited with creating the computer password. The feeling is supported by others like Brian Spector, CEO of CertiVox and has prompted Yahoo to provide its email subscribers with the option to log into email accounts without having to use a password. We thought that was a bad idea but somehow Google thinks it is really cool to access email and other online accounts without having to use passwords.
As a step towards eliminating passwords to login into Gmail, Google has created a New Gmail Login System where you will no longer input your username (or email) in the same login page as the password. In the New Gmail Login System, you are now required to input the username, Click Next, then input the password.
The new gmail login option hasn’t done away with the passwords just yet but according to Google’s blog post, the new design is in anticipation of a future authentication system which may include biometric login systems such as fingerprinting technologies in modern smartphones or the web-based Android smart lock system.
Mentioned as advantages of the new gmail login system, even before the passwords are done away with, are elimination of confusion especially for those who have multiple gmail accounts, and providing a better experience for university students or corporate users that sign in with a different identity provider than Google.
The increase of hacking incidences especially by use of a technique called spear-phishing has made security experts to recommend that passwords should be discarded. Alternatives that have been suggested include login in systems that do not require users to remember their passwords, use of biometric credentials, heartbeat monitors, or even the use of brain waves as passwords. Other alternatives to passwords include the Yahoo implemented method of a one time generated password and the use of smart devices like YubiKey Neo also developed by Google and the Nymi that uses heartbeat monitoring technique. Whether these proposed systems are actually secure than old school passwords is yet to be seen. From the brief experience with fingerprint sensors on iPhone and Samsung Galaxy devices, it can be concluded that the new biometric based data protection options are not foolproof either.
All the best with the new Gmail Login System.
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