Infinix Mobile comes on board as a sponsor for 2015 Bake Awards

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The 2015 Bake Awards got another sponsor; Infinix mobile who launched different makes of their phones in the Kenyan market last year to a good reception from the consumers. Aided by intelligent marketing, the company is fast making a name due to their friendly prices for high performing phones. You can get a high end Infinix phone for less than half the cost of competitor brands.

As more people turn to online reviews before they can make a purchasing decision, bloggers are fast becoming a source of unbiased criticism that helps consumers to make choices. Everyone wants advice from someone who has used and tested a product and that way they are almost certain of what step to take.

In a statement regarding the sponsorship, here is what the Infinix Marketing Director Mr. Peter Zhou had to say. “We are happy to be the sponsor for the BAKE Kenyan blog awards this year to let more people involved in the exploration of the trend of technology and fashion. We believe BAKE will promote quality content creation with more blogs involved in the future, and we believe “The future is NOW.”

The mobile phone is one of the fastest growing social tools we use today. With bloggers taking center stage in the awards, this is a massive opportunity for Infinix to showcase their products and show that it has what it takes to be a market changer in the mobile phone market.

Apart from bloggers, the mobile phone market has also had a huge impact on application developers who have used this platform to generate income. The Kenyan youth have realized this opportunity and have been developing a lot of mobile applications, particularly in android enabled phones like Infinix.


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