M-PESA shutdown: M-PESA to be unavailable the large part of this weekend

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M-PESA shutdown is coming this weekend as per the schedule provided below:

  1. Registration of new customers will not be allowed starting Thursday to Sunday.
  2. Transfer of cash to other mobile networks will not be possible during the period.
  3. M-Pesa subscribers will not be able to send cash to unregistered users.
  4. You will not be able to change your M-Pesa pin while the upgrade is ongoing.
  5. Registration of new customers on mobile banking services M-Shawari or M-Kesho will also not be possible, along with borrowing or repaying loans on the services.

  1. Starting Saturday, the entire system will shut down and sending or receiving money will not be possible.
  2. Customers will not be able to pay their weekend bills in restaurants, supermarkets, petrol stations and pubs over the weekend.
  3. Transfer of money from bank to M-Pesa or the reverse will not be possible.
  4. You will not be able to pay electricity, water and other utility bills through M-Pesa.
  5. Purchasing of airtime through M-Pesa will also not be possible throughout the period of upgrade.
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