@iLabAfrica to host a holiday-boot camp for primary and high school students this April

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iLab Africa has announced a 9-day holiday boot camp for primary and high school students in a program looking to provide a comprehensive learning experience that is amazingly fun, highly interactive and extremely effective.

The bootcamp to be hosted at iLabAfrica from 7th April 2015 to 17th April 2015 from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm is designated to motivate and inspire the students to bring their creative ideas to life. Students will create their own games, animated stories, projects and publish their applications to the web.

iLab Africa covers a range of multimedia subjects including web design, video game programming, 3-D animation, Designed for children of all abilities, the program starts with the basics and then progress students in a systematic way that is both fun & educational.

The Students will pursue their tech interests with hands-on, project-based learning experiences at the state of the art computer Laboratories. The Boot Camp will offer fun personalized instruction from industry experts, meals, certificates and so much more.

This are just a few of the things the students will be taught:

  • Create 3D animation
  • Design a website
  • Learn to code
  • Make apps
  • Design video game
  • Get Motivational talks from Speakers in blue chip IT firms

And so much more

The holiday camp that started off in 2014 is inten­ded for primary and high school stu­dents in all levels and is usually hosted during major school holidays April, August and December. The lab has also put out benefits and inclusions of the program being networking with kids from other schools, awards to motivate the developing skills, Hands-?on learn­ing on devel­op­ing games and anim­a­tion using Java and 3D anim­a­tion tools and technologies.

parents and guardians will register through http://goo.gl/Jj6myo. where they will also get more details on the program.





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  • kachwanya iLabAfrica That’s great! Are you taking on volunteers? Want to further Linux world domination . Get them early :-) nairobilug

    nj3ma March 30, 2015 15:07